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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:58 pm

[New Cleric feat: Soul Summon]
New feat, selectable by all Clerics. Summon party members to your location through the command ]Summon. Some info:
- Upon using the command, the Cleric is given a gump displaying all party members
- Cleric is able to summon 1 party member at a time
- 10 Minute cooldown between summons
- Summon invitation gump disappears after 1 minute
- 50 Mana cost per summon
- Cannot be used in combat, or while mounted/KO'd/frozen

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:04 pm

[New Dungeon System]
Completed the beta version of a new dungeon system. System consists of a new item, the Dungeon Controller, a new gump, and some new props on the PlayerMobile.

This will be used to control the entry of our first "Lockout" dungeon, The Scorched Halls. Once players use the dungeon controller they are "locked out" from entering again for another 5 days. The Scorched Halls is considered a high-level dungeon with a minimum level requirement of 15, a player limit of 5, and requiring you to be in a party. It is home to some of the strongest creatures in the realm, and also contains some of it's most valuable treasures.

The Dungeon Controller gump:

Sends you into the Scorched Halls, given you meet the requirements:
- In a party
- Level 15 or higher
- Not locked out
- Another party is not currently inside
- Dungeon has room for 1 more player

The Controller starts a timer upon entering(currently 2 hours), after which all players in the dungeon will be teleported outside and their run will be over.

Time Info:
Tells whether player is currently locked out of dungeon, and if so gives time remaining(in hours) on their lockout.
Tells whether a party is currently inside the dungeon, and if so gives time remaining(in minutes) on their run.

Closes Dungeon Controller gump

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:59 pm

[New guild system: Resource Nodes]

Introducing the new guild system for resource nodes, see the link below. Guards will be coming later.


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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue May 25, 2021 5:18 pm

[Added new Vanity Ticket system]

An all-in-one Vanity Ticket which allows the user to modify the name/hue/item ID of an item in their backpack.

A copy of the item is shown on the bottom of the Vanity Ticket Gump, also displaying the current prop values. These values may be changed freely as many times as you like without consuming the Vanity Ticket.

A confirmation gump is sent once the Accept button is clicked, to prevent accidental use.


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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu May 27, 2021 2:50 pm

[Updated ]whatisit command]

Added hue and item ID to the readout when targeting an item with the ]whatisit command.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri May 28, 2021 1:03 pm

[New Racial guards - extension of Nation Guild system]

Completed first version of the new racial guards which can be placed by Nation Guild leaders. The overall number of guards that can be placed depends on how many resources the Nation Guild is gathering from Resource Nodes. Guards are divided into 4 main soldier types which all have different resource costs as follows:

Guard: 2 Ore/1 Lumber

Archer: 1 Ore/3 Lumber

Dragoon: 3 Ore/2 Lumber

Paladin: 3 Ore/3 Lumber

If brandishing is illegal under the Nation Guild laws, guards will disarm any armed players within 5 tiles of them.

If a race is declared as an enemy under the Nation Guild's laws, guards will attack the enemy race within 10 tiles. Range lowered to 3 if the player is wearing a hooded robe, with the hood up. This range is set to 5 for Archers.

Planned updates:
- Pardon list for members of an enemy race who are allowed in the Nation Guild's territory
- Criminal list for members of the Nation Guild's race who are no longer allowed in the territory

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun May 30, 2021 10:06 pm

[New item: Character Reforge Scroll]

A scroll that allows the player to change their character race and class. Current experience points and any skills which are directly transferrable between the two classes will be retained.

Once the initial confirmation gump is accepted, the current skills/experience are stored and standard character creation begins. Once the character's class has been chosen, they are moved to their racial starting area and given a final confirmation gump. This allows time to take any skill cap-increasing feats(e.g. crafting feats) before skills are applied.

The Reforge Scroll becomes permanently bound to the first person to accept the initial confirmation gump, making it unusable by anyone else.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:49 pm

[Updated mobile name hues]
- Player name hues set to grey by default
- All town NPC name hues set to grey by default
- Red names reserved for high-tier mobs/bosses

Guild colors unchanged: green for allies, orange for enemies

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:35 pm

[New music controllers for main towns/Ameresh]

Music controllers have been placed near main entrances to the racial cities as well as Ameresh. They play a short clip (about 30 seconds) of intro music for that area. Detection is one-directional and should not trigger when leaving town.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:59 am

[New NPCs:]
Consortium Brotherhood:
- Consortium Bandit
- Consortium Thug
- Consortium Pyromancer
- Consortium Bodyguard
- Bill Blake

- Blackwatch Soldier
- Blackwatch Legionnaire

[New NPC special abilities:]
- Mortal Strike(25-35 damage with a 8 second mortality wound timer)
- Crushing Blow(20-40 damage with a 3 second freeze)
- Enrage(increased NPC damage and dexterity by a large amount when x% hitpoints reached)
- Petrify(5 second freeze usable from range)
- Kick(15-30 damage with a 4 second freeze)
- Disarm(disarms current equipped weapon from combatant and blocks requip for x seconds)

Note that values for damage/freezes are subject to change based on which NPC the ability is added to.

[New items:]
- Power Rune(crafting ingredient, can be upgraded to charged power rune)
- Charged Power Rune(high end crafting ingredient)
- Arcane Essence(crafting ingredient)
- Pure Adamantite Ring(tinkering plan)
- Artisans Heirloom(tinkering plan)
- Nimble Mining Gloves(tinkering plan)
- Adamantite Smithy Hammer(tinkering plan)
- Shroud of Divinity(artifact)

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