Religion and Beliefs

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Saerin, the Creator


Saerin is said to be master of the Soul Forge and an unparalleled craftsman. In times long forgotten he smithed many worlds. It is believed that each star in the sky is another world crafted by Saerin. Though these worlds are without life or meaning, empty and desolate.

Saerin, desiring ones to pass on his craft, sought out a towering, scaly boar within his realm and battled it. The swine, known as Avi, is often illustrated as having a long curving horn and brass scales. In depictions of this great cosmic battle, Avi is often shown as attacking Saerin with her fiery breath. After it was slain Saerin pulled from the swine’s mouth it’s three fangs and with them smithed his children, the first dwarves.

Within his realm he tried to teach them all he knew but they wandered confused and lost, as it was not truly their home. Knowing this Saerin returned to the boar’s hulking corpse and from it’s heart he crafted them a world of their own full of life and riches. A world for them to call home and practice their crafts until they were ready to return and aide him in the Soul Forge. He placed his children upon this world.

But on this world they suffered, cold and blind through the darkness. Saerin saw this and once again returned to the boar, removing it’s eyes and crafting from them the Sun and Moon, to warm and guide his children. Even still in the light they were still lost, wandering aimless, exposed to the elements. So Saerin, in his undying love for his creations, returned to the boar one last time and took from it it’s scales and with them crafted the mighty mountains of the world to house his children.

Within them his children found shelter and took root, thriving and prospering from the riches he had provided them.


Dwarves believe when you die, if you were not dishonored in life, you return to Soul Forge where you are able to ply your trade. Here, with all your dwarven brethren and sisters, you are able to aide Saerin in the creation of worlds by day and feast by night until the end of time itself.

Those who were dishonored in life are said to be unable to enter the Soul Forge until their honor is restored. One of the reasons dwarves are such meticulous record keeper is because if you are dishonored or wronged in life and die without resolution you are doomed to wander the earth as spirits until time’s end. Even after a dwarf’s death his honor can be restored, clans and family often going to great lengths to do so. This is mainly done through the resolution of a grudge.

If the dishonor was brought on by their own actions, it is common for their clan or family to seek out priests of Saerin in hopes that Saerin might restore their honor and allow them passage into the Soul Forge.


Throughout the ages the depiction of Saerin is unchanging. Saerin is depicted as a humanoid being of great age, with a thick flowing snow white beard in varying length, though always long. There are countless carving and engraving of him on anything from small vases to the walls of Karagard.

It is believed that dwarves were created in the image of Saerin, thus beards are a holy symbol. Because of this dwarves take great pride in their beards, maintaining it with zealous. As a dwarf ages their hair and beard tend to turn completely white, rather than grey, which furthers the resemblance to Saerin. It is believed that it is not until you hair is white that you are ready to enter the Soul Forge.

Because of this holy meaning placed on their facial hair, even a small trimming of your beard is looked at with disdain. To shave one’s beard is considered heresy, and symbolizes and renouncement of Saerin and all dwarven beliefs.

Omens and Spirits

Dwarves are a naturally superstitious race. Taking both good and ill omens very seriously. Dwarven priests often read and interpret omens and determine whether they good or bad. Different clans may hold unique omens and superstitions of their own. Likewise, one clan might consider an omen ill while another may consider it a sign of luck.

Common Dwarven Omens and Superstitions

-Opening a new mining cavern and encountering Bloodrock as the first ore is often a seen as an ill sign. When this happen mines are typically closed off though not always.

-Comets, though seldom are recorded in history, are generally regarded as good omens. Foretelling wealth and an age of prosperity.

-Mistakenly dropping a coin and it landing face up is a very common sign of good luck to come.

-Stepping on a mushroom while mining is said to bring a decade of bad luck on you and your clan.

-Rats nesting within a forge can be considered both an ill and good omens.

Countless more.


Many dwarves believe those among them who were disloyal or were dishonored in their life are doomed to wander the earth as spirits. These spirits can bare both good and ill will, can seek redemption or vengeance, though most are believed to hold ill intents. Many dwarves, especially the more aged dwarves, hold a great fear of spirits.