Foreign Affairs

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The dwarves are known for their shrewd trade-dealings with the other races and for the high-quality goods they consistently deliver. There exists great dwarven trading companies which offer goods in all the great cities of the world. Dwarves run very profitable banking institutions throughout the world as well, owing their immense success in this field to their reputation for having a generally honest nature.

Not all dwarven crafts are for sale, however. The specialized dwarven designs that they believe give them and their soldiers an edge in battle are strictly off limit when it comes to making sales. No High King has ever allowed Dwarven arms and materiale to be sold to foreigners without his express consent.

The dwarves, too, are known for their great literary works. Some dwarves have been known to spend hundreds of years working on a single manuscript though many races view their writing style as very dry. Dwarven works of fiction are rare but not unheard of.

Racial Views

Humans: Inconsistent, fickle creatures that are not only unpredictable but deeply untrustworthy. Establishing long working relationships with a human is almost impossible for their lifespans are so short it is impossible to truly get to know one.

Elves: Reliable trade partners who can be depended upon to act in a consistent manner although they are equally consistent in their arrogance. Their craftsmanship is of commendable quality. We share a common foe in the despicable drow

Orcs: These savage creatures are little more than mongrels.