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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:51 am

[Changes to the ]Stance command:]
The Monk ]Stance command has been overhauled. It no longer grants use of special abilities but rather allows the Monk to switch fighting stances, granting them different passive bonuses. While stances are useful and grant the Monk more utility and choice, they also come with their own drawbacks:

Usage: ]Stance 1, 2, 3, 4 (Stance no longer operates through a gump)

Code: Select all

1) Neutral stance - No change
2) Recovery stance - Increased mana and stamina regen. Reduced damage output
3) Defensive stance - Defense chance increase and dodge chance bonuses. Reduced attack speed
4) Offensive stance - One of the following bonuses at random: Chance to deliver crushing blow, 
Hit chance increase, Damage output bonus. Reduced defense chance 
Note: Stance bonuses increase with level and there is a 20 second cooldown when switching stances

[Misc Updates:]
- Artisan tools will now reset to 500 uses after each craft

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:45 am

[New Custom Poisons:]
Added 4 new poison varieties, each with 2 different potency levels: regular and greater. Alchemy recipes must be found to craft these poisons.

Supporting Modifications:
- Regular/Greater Cure potions will have a chance to cure new poisons
- Cure/Arch Cure spells will have a chance to cure new poisons
- Infectious Strike weapon ability is restricted to standard poisons(Lesser, Normal, Greater, Deadly)
- Assassins may learn the new poison recipes and craft them through the Exotic Poisons feat
- Mobility Flask now has a chance to prevent the slow effect from Crippling poison
- Immunity Flask now has a chance to halt Mind Numbing/Debilitating poisons, and has a chance to prevent Instant poison

[New Mushrooms:]
Added 4 new mushroom types, harvestable through the Herbalism skill:
- Speckled Mushroom
- Crimson Morel
- Deathspore
- Nightcap Mushroom

[Updated Housing Gump:]
Complete overhaul of the housing gump, including a new menu interface with improved aesthetics and more detailed information. This is implemented for both static and deeded housing.

Example of House Overview Page:

[Misc Updates:]
- Static Houses will now have all of their assigned doors unlocked when decayed or listed for sale
- Assigned doors within a Static House region that is unowned or for sale will now automatically unlock when double-clicked by a player
- Added "Lock All Doors" option to the Housing Gump "Manage" menu
- Updated Resource Node decay timer to display in the following format: days, hours, minutes remaining
- Survival Expert buff from Camping has been reworked to an xml timer and will now persist through server crashes
- Survival Expert buff will no longer reset on login and the timer will automatically refresh to 60 minutes after any additional campfires

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:01 pm

[Housing Changes:]
- Increased max co-owners to 3 from 2
- Increased max friends to 48 from 24
- Additional information added to the housing "Overview" menu
- Directional movement on the Interior Decorator tool is now restricted to the house owner only
- Lock down/release commands targeting any partition wall/stone wall/base door are now restricted to the house owner only
- All houses may now place 1 strongbox using the default command "I wish to place a strongbox"
- Modified strongboxes to support 3 selectable access levels: Friends, Co-Owners, Owner

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:31 pm

[Change to Block Damage Reduction:]
Existing block code was not reducing damage as it should have, the mechanic has been reworked:

[New Experience Sources:]
Treasure Hunting
Completing a treasure map will now award experience to the treasure hunter and any party members within 50 tiles.
- Experience gained: 1000 + (Map Level * 500)
- Party members must be within +-5 levels of the treasure hunter to gain experience
- Experience is awarded when the treasure hunter(player who decoded the map) opens the chest

Fishing SOS Scrolls
Fishing up an SOS chest will now award experience to the fisherman and any party members within 50 tiles.
- Experience gained: Random value between 2000 - 3000
- Party members must be within +-5 levels of the fisherman to gain experience
- Experience is awarded when the fisherman receives the SOS chest in their backpack

[Misc Updates:]
- Added Hitching Posts to the Deeded House accessibility list
- Corrected error in Monk defensive stance code

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:38 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Added various missing feat checks for actions performed through the Cleric Holy Symbol gump
- Bless spell timer is now level based rather than karma based; 10 minutes + 1 minute/level
- Bless/Divine Blessing timer durations will now be displayed as an overhead message for the target
- Armor Piercing Crossbows of all resource types should now properly ignore 10% of enemy resistances
- Players in possession of a boat's key will now automatically lower the gang plank on double-click
- Updated multiple active cooldown messages for the Merchant Board to indicate time remaining
- Attempting to charge a Power Rune will now indicate time remaining on existing cooldown(only in effect for cooldowns generated following this update)
- Corrected Mick O'Malley's Fencing skill to the intended value
- Cryomancer Chill effect will no longer alter player skin hue
- Combat Bridge Section and Palisade decay timers will now persist through server reboots/crashes
- Combat Bridge Section and Palisade decay timers increased to 24 hours from 4 hours

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:37 pm

[Feat Menu Updates:]
- Graphical overhaul and general polishing/tweaking of the Feat Gump
- Corrected numerous typos and description errors
- Added cooldown times to feat descriptions where applicable
- Added confirmation gump when claiming free feat reset
- Added confirmation gump when selecting feats

[Misc Updates:]
- Craft Feats selected while already having the Master Craftsman feat will now set that craft skill cap to 120
- Master Craftsman level requirement lowered to 10 from 15
- Updated Building Construction gump with black background
- Updated KO Gump with black background
- Strength/Agility/Cunning spells will now display their duration as an overhead message for the target when applied
- Weaken/Clumsy/Feeblemind spells will now display their duration as an overhead message for the target when applied
- Weaken/Clumsy/Feeblemind spell durations are now based on the caster's level
- All Strength/Agility potion durations increased to 30 minutes from 5 minutes
- Strength/Agility potion offset increased to 20 from 10
- Greater Strength/Greater Agility potion offset increased to 30 from 20

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:31 am

[Update to Ore Refinement Potion:]
- Will now properly smelt Adamantite Ore into Adamantite Bars
- Max Adamantite Ore to be smelted by 1 potion is now 10(remains 50 for all other ores)
- Refinement Potion now has a 85% chance of success when smelting Adamantite(failure deletes 1 ore)
- Now requires the use of a nearby forge
- Fixed issue where a stack of potions would not prompt a new target after first use

[Misc Updates:]
- Changed material requirements for Dwarven Rage Potion, it is now craftable
- No longer possible to use ]Point while hidden or dead
- ]Point now accepts terrain targets

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:35 am

[Update to Animal Companions:]
The Animal Companion feat has been converted into a Beastmaster exclusive ability. The companion system has been completely re-designed from the ground up to allow for much more customization and utility through the various companion types. Any Rangers who have previously selected the feat will have it removed automatically and their feat point refunded upon their next login.

Information on the new Animal Companion system can be found here

[Misc Updates:]
- Companions will now deal 50% reduced damage vs players
- Mend will restore an additional 15% hit points to companions
- Mend will now stop bleeding for companions
- Some special attacks used by creatures/bosses which deal pure damage will deal reduced damage against companions
- The cost to resurrect a dead bonded pet at the stablemaster has been reduced to 300 from 500
- "All" pet commands are now silent when entered as text
- Reduced effectiveness of Intimidating Shout against players; 20% stat reduction down from 33%

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:39 pm

[New Donation Credit System:]
Added new credit system which can assign credits to an account, allowing players to claim their donation rewards through an in-game gump on their character of choice. The donation page has been updated to reflect this change.

[New Donation Item - Experience Boost:]
A personal experience boost that can be applied to a single character for a period of 3 days.
- Boosts experience gained from most non-quest sources by 25%
- Does not stack with other experience boosts
- 3 Day timer behaves the same as a global experience boost(elapses while users are offline)
- Costs 10 donation credits

[Increased Default Character Limit:]
The default number of character slots has been increased from 2 to 3. Any accounts who have previously donated for a 5th character slot will have their donation refunded in the form of 25 donation credits.
- Players will be notified upon login if they are eligible for donation credits
- Donation reward gump will automatically be sent upon character login and may also be opened with the ]Donations command

[Updated Crafting Menu:]
Redesign of overall gump layout, including some new features and QoL upgrades:
- New gump border and background with updated buttons and text hues
- Material selector now tracks amount of selected material currently held in the backpack, skills that do not have selectable materials will display the main item used for that skill(eg. bottles for Alchemy)
- Item info gump will now display Masterwork chance; shows Enhanced chance for magical jewelry
- Item info gump will now display a green, yellow, or red dot by each material to indicate whether you have that material stocked in your backpack
- Added "Smelt Craftbag" button; smelts the entire contents of your assigned craft bag
- Added "Scrap Craftbag" button; deletes the entire contents of your assigned craft bag, with some restrictions(must be items craftable by that skill, ignores masterworks/plan items/artifacts)
- Added "Smelt Jewelry" button to the Tinkering menu; smelts all crafted magical jewelry within your assigned craft bag, returning gold bars at a 70% chance(same as ]smeltjewel command)

[Animal Companion Balancing Changes:]
- Lowered overall resistances gained per level
- Increased overall base resistances
- Slight decrease in weapon skill for all companions
- Lowered chance for Wild Strikes to proc: max 8% at level 5, down from 11%
- Increased Piercing Howl damage bonus from 25% to 50%

[New Lumberjacking Items:]
Abandoned Item Cache:
- Can be chopped apart by players with 100+ Lumberjacking skill
- Contains gold, gems, and a random material(ore/logs/herbs)

Fallen Trees:
- Available in Silver Birch, Yew, and Black Oak
- Lumberjacking skill requirement is based on log type
- Awards 5-6 logs when chopped

[Misc Updates:]
- "Heavy" class ranged weapons(longbow, recurve, composite bow, crossbow, repeating crossbow, heavy crossbow) may now be wielded on mounts by players with 5 riding perks
- Dwarven Ore Refinement potions are now non-stackable
- Axe Thrower feat no longer requires an equipped axe, now deals 50% increased damage vs basecreatures

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:30 pm

[New Dwarven Master Craft Racials:]
The latest engineering development from the halls of Karagard: The Dwarven Drone! These drones are a Tinkering Master Craft which are a Dwarf exclusive(only Dwarves can assemble and control a drone). The various drone attachments are available as Dwarven Master Craft items through Tinkering, Blacksmithy, Carpentry, and Tailoring.

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