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World Lore


Founded in 16868, the fortress of Blackwatch was born from the necessity to contain the growing menace of cultists within the surrounding desolate bog. The Kingdom of Mercadia, already grappling with the devastation caused by the Shadowclan Orcs, sought to establish a stronghold that would serve multiple purposes. Primarily, it was intended to be a bastion against the cultist threat, but also as a means to curtail banditry and crime that had skyrocketed in the aftermath of the Shadowclan's assault.

Situated in a stark coastal region marked by biting winds, harsh snowfalls, and dense forestry, Blackwatch was erected with a great deal of strategic thought. Its advantageous location offered access to the ocean, vast forests for resources, and numerous caves for potential shelter or hidden paths. The landscape, as brutal as it was, served as a natural deterrent to would-be invaders. However, even as the fortress was in its nascent stages, political strife began to undermine its intended role. Disunity within Mercadia led to a lack of support and resources for Blackwatch, preventing it from becoming the fully realized outpost it was designed to be. Amid the frustration and chaos, those who had bravely fought against the Shadowclan Orcs at the Battle of Mohrladen Hold made the decision to sever their ties with the kingdom. With the political landscape in disarray, this group of brave warriors formed the Northern Resistance. Making the fortress of Blackwatch their base of operations, they pledged themselves to protect the region, independent of the Mercadian kingdom's politics. The fortress, despite its imposing structure, still bore the semblance of a field camp more than a fortified outpost. Tents, makeshift huts, and other temporary accommodations sprang up around the site, housing the members of the Northern Resistance. To this day, Blackwatch remains predominantly a military encampment. Its residents, many descendants of the original Northern Resistance, continue to inhabit tents and improvised dwellings.