Ash-Uruk: The Orc

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Ash-Uruk: The Orc

Physical Appearance and Personality

Orcs are largest of the races, both in height and weight. They average between 6 and 7.5 feet tall and weighing in between 200-400 lbs. Tusks protrude from their lower jowls, these vary is size and shape. Larger tusks are seen as a sign of virility in both males and females. Their skin varies in tones of greens and yellows and grow darker with age. Notably the Warchief, on taking the mantle, is coated in a mixture of ash and oils, turning his skin nearly black. Orcs do not generally grow head or facial hair, though there are always exceptions.

While being single minded in their service to Gruumsh, Orcs are at heart a curious breed. They are intrigued by novelty and seek to learn more about the world around them. Many outsiders see the orc as a dumb savage until they sit and speak with them. While orcs are simple creatures, they are far from being dumb, and understand much more than they generally let on. They do keep a written language, though only the ranks of the Lazgul are taught the characters and meanings