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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:20 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Added fix for KO Sickness issues
- Added fix for Dwarven Drones abandoning owner due to happiness level
- Dwarven Drone satchel attachment may now be opened by double-clicking the drone
- Added large list of new custom tree ID's to the lumberjacking code(thanks to Kiramay for adding the art)

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Posts: 262

Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:55 pm

[Class Updates:]
- Added 2 new Mage subclasses: Arcanist and Necromancer
- Added new Mage feat: Evocation
- Added new Cleric feat: Dispersion
- Arcane Enchantment feat is now a Mage ability granted during character creation
- Bestow Blessing feat is now a Cleric ability granted during character creation
- Mage Arcane Missiles command has been disabled
- New fire animations added to some existing Pyromancer feats

[Misc Updates/Fixes:]
- Fixed bug causing Character Slots to be valued at 30 credits instead of 25
- Stats, skills and damage of the various summoned elementals have been standardized
- Added additional PvP checks for feats/abilities that target mobiles within an area
- Static houses with the "Guildhouse" tag can now decay, but won't automatically be put up for sale
- Added "Bond Pet" context menu option at the Stablemaster NPC
- Added list of blocked item IDs to Vanity Tickets
- Exp Bar gump and Character Info gump will no longer show by default at character creation
- Feat Cooldown messages will now be toggled on by default at character creation
- Fixed case where Burning Embers could cause a server crash
- Fixed case where Crafting Info Gump could cause a server crash

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Posts: 262

Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:50 pm

[New Context Menu Options:]
- "Automatic Mining: Enabled/Disabled" (Shovels/Pickaxe): Automatically loop additional harvest attempts targeting the players original mining target

- "Automatic Lumberjacking: Enabled/Disabled" (Axes): Automatically loop additional harvest attempts targeting the players original tree target

- "Automatic Fishing: Enabled/Disabled" (Fishing Poles): Automatically loop additional harvest attempts targeting the players original water tile target

- "Automatic Lockpicking: Enabled/Disabled" (Lockpicks): Automatically loop additional lockpick attempts on the target container until successful

- "Seal Book" and "Unseal Book" (Books): Seal a book, making it non-writable. Book must be in a players backpack to access context menu

- "Chain to Bookcase" and "Unchain from Bookcase" (Books): Chain a book to a bookcase, locking it down. Book must be inside a bookcase which is locked down and within a house the player owns or co-owns

- "Hitching Post: Locked Down/Unlocked" (Hitching Posts): Lock down/release Hitching Posts when they are within 1 tile range from a house zone. Must be the house co-owner or owner to access context menu

[Misc Updates/Fixes:]
- All single-target and AOE damage feats for Mage are now a revealing action for the caster on use; periodic damage effects such as Lightning Storm and Ice Blast will reveal the caster on every instance of damage
- Ice Blast will now cancel meditation on every instance of damage
- Successful lockdown/release targets in a house zone will now trigger a subsequent target cursor
- When a house decays, it's contents will now be loaded into a named Metal Chest before being added to the owner's bank box
- Fixed case where items loaded into bank box during decay would retain the "Locked Down" tag
- Fixed issue causing Animate Dead to set mana to 0 on use
- ]FindRP will no longer automatically disable on login
- There is now a limit of 1 per day when claiming a guild reward
- Fixed issue allowing more than 50 items to be placed into a Strongbox

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Posts: 262

Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:37 pm

[Changes to the PvP Flagging System:]
Many of the systems which are new to Regisfall undergo a degree of evolution as they are used in-game and a response to emergent player behavior is needed. Efforts made to restrict actions of players often come at a compromise, especially in the case of PvP. We've made some new changes to steer toward a more fluid system where players can't remain immune from PvP situations indefinitely and we will continue to monitor player engagements in the future.

  • Added the ]Challenge command(only usable with PvP mode enabled): challenge another player to combat, giving them the option to fight or flee. Choosing fight will enable their PvP mode, choosing flee will require them to leave the area the challenge was made. If the target player does not leave the challenge area after a given period of time, their PvP will automatically be enabled
  • Added the ]ForcePvP command for Gamemasters: allows staff to force enable PvP on a player, with the option to lock permanently
  • Summoned creatures will now despawn when their owner flags for PvP

[New Veteran Reward System:]
Similar to Veteran Rewards on OSI, this is a new system designed to reward players who have been playing for extended periods of time. Rather than choosing from a list of reward options, players are instead rewarded with donation credits which they can use to claim multiple rewards using the ]Donation command. Also, keep an eye out for a new cosmetics/decorations vendor in Tilverton: the Variety Dealer, who will accept donation credits as currency.

  • Accounts are rewarded with 5 donation credits every 60 days
  • Players are sent the Veteran Reward Gump on login and must claim their credits
  • Rewards will not accumulate beyond 5 credits if user does not log in to claim them

[Misc Changes:]
  • ]Challenge command for the Challenging Shout ability has been renamed to ]ChallengingShout
  • Summoned creatures will no longer generate a corpse on death
  • Animated Dead mobiles will now count as summoned creatures
  • No longer possible to place containers in a Strong Box
  • Fixed a bug allowing Bounty Hunter traps to work on dead mobiles
  • Added PvP checks to many stun/paralyze abilities
  • Addons will now be converted to deed form when house decay occurs; deeds will be placed in the owners bank like a regular item
  • Fixed bug allowing the use of Infectious Strike with 0 poison charges on a weapon

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