Orcish Language

The Orc Nation of Burz'Kal.
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Orcish Language

Post by deepblue » Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:09 pm

Here are some general Orcish words which would be spoken in the Common tongue. If you prefer to speak normally as an Orc, just use the ]language command and set your language to Orcish.

Brosh == Hi
Honlat == Goodbye
Rulg == Thanks
Gruk == Know/Understand
Akh == Yes
Nar == No
Lat == You
Izg - Me
Izgu - We
Mojo == Magic
Rok == Guildstone/Rune
Blah == Talk/Speak/Say
Bubhosh == Good/Awesome/Great
Nubhosh == Bad/Crap
Shara/Humie == Human
Elv = Elf
Stuntie = Dwarf
Hoowah! == Battlecry/Joycry
Clomp == Kill
Krimp == Trap
Goth == Lord
Rag == Bandage
Weedz == Reagents
Mak'r == Crafter
Snaga == Slave
Skah == General curse word
Tokshun == Poison
Gaash == Fire
