mage summon mount type

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mage summon mount type

Post by Talgar » Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:32 pm

fire = fire beatles
ice = ice x

you get the idea here just something for mages to summon thats based off path.

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Re: mage summon mount type

Post by deepblue » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:54 am

I don't expect I'll be adding anything like this, free/summoned mounts should not be flash/rare mount types. At most I would maybe add a random color list for your summoned mount to pull from.

I'm planning to add some custom tameable mounts in the near future, you can keep a lookout for those

Posts: 5

Re: mage summon mount type

Post by Renatomg » Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:31 pm

I think Mages could be a better summons types to..

Druids can summon all elementals and mages dont even have a blade spirit

i think mages should have acess to elementals ... thew restriction could be applied to pyromancer doesnt have access to water elemental and cyromancers dont have acess to fire elemental..

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