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Metals on Regisfall can be gathered through the Mining skill either by targeting a cave/mountain tile with your pickaxe, or mining an ore deposit.

Blacksmiths who have mastered their craft also unlock the ability to create alloys with the ]Alloys command.

(Mining skill % required):


  • Iron.png Iron (0%)
  • Tin.png Tin(35%)
  • Copper.png Copper (50%)
  • Bronze.png Bronze (65%)
  • Valorite.png Valorite (80%)
  • Obsidian.png Obsidian (90%)
  • Mithril.png Mithril (100%) - Dwarven racial metal

Note: Armor crafted from Mithril has a chance to absorb spells(4% chance per armor piece)

Craftable Alloys ( ]Alloys command )

  • Steel.png Steel (100%) - Human racial metal
  • Bloodrock.png Bloodrock (100%) - Orc racial metal
  • Ithilmar.png Ithilmar (100%) - Elven racial metal

PVE Drops/Rare Deposits

  • Adamantite.png Adamantite (110%)


Different types of wood can be gathered on Regisfall through the Lumberjacking skill by chopping trees. Their uses are wide-ranging, being used in anything from bows to furniture, as well as in some special crafting plans.

(Lumberjacking skill % required):

  • Oak.png Oak (0%)
  • Pine.png Pine (30%)
  • Redwood.png Redwood (45%)
  • Whitepine.png White Pine (55%)
  • Ashwood.png Ashwood (70%)
  • Silverbirch.png Silver Birch (85%)
  • Yew.png Yew (95%)
  • Blackoak.png Black Oak (100%)


Herbs can be gathered on Regisfall through the Herbalism skill. Their main uses are potions and cooking, however some are also used in select crafting plans.

  • Nightshade.png Nightshade/Ginseng/Garlic/Mandrake (0% - 60%) Yield: 6
  • Nettlebloom.png Nettlebloom (30% - 90%) Yield: 5
  • Mountainsage.png Mountain Sage (30% - 90%) Yield: 4
  • Graveweed.png Graveweed (40% - 100%) Yield: 4
  • Tundramoss.png Tundra Moss (50% - 100%) Yield: 4
  • Bloodroot.png Bloodroot (60% - 100%) Yield: 3
  • Kingsfoil.png Kingsfoil (60% - 100%) Yield: 2-3
  • Fadepetal.png Fadepetal (70% - 102%) Yield: 2-3
  • Speckledmushroom2.png Speckled Mushroom (75% - 95%) Yield: 2
  • Crimsonmorel2.png Crimson Morel (80% - 100%) Yield: 2
  • Eldarthorn.png Eldarthorn (80% - 103%) Yield: 2
  • Deathspore2.png Deathspore (85% - 105%) Yield: 2
  • Nightcapmushroom2.png Nightcap Mushroom (85% - 105%) Yield: 2
  • Steelbloom.png Steelbloom (85% - 105%) Yield: 1-2
  • Ancientlotus.png Ancient Lotus (105% - 105%) Yield: 1
  • Firebloom.png Firebloom (105% - 105%) Yield: 1


Leather can be gathered through the skinning of dead animals/creatures. The variety of leather gathered will depend on the type of creature being skinned:

(Tailoring skill % required):

  • Leather.png Leather (0%) - Obtained mainly from animals and low level skinnable creatures.
  • Spined.png Spined Leather (70%) - Obtained from some low level skinnable creatures. To list a few: Ratman, Lizardman, Alligator, Direwolf
  • Horned.png Horned Leather (80%) - Obtained mostly from mid-tier wyrms such as Drakes and Sea Serpents.
  • Barbed.png Barbed Leather (90%) - Obtained mostly from high-tier wyrms such as Dragons as well as some other sources.
  • Scaled.png Scaled Leather (100%) - Obtained from Ancient Wyrms and rare creatures, is generally used for high level Tailoring gear.

Masterwork Bonuses (Armor)

NOTE: Masterwork items have a small percentage chance of rolling when you create an exceptional quality item. The higher your skill, the more often it can occur. For example a tailor with 100 tailoring will have a lower chance of rolling a masterwork quality item than a tailor with 125 tailoring.

Material Type Resist Bonus Hitpoint Bonus Strength Bonus
Iron/Tin/ Regular Leather +2 Resists +2 Hits +2 Strength
Copper/Bronze/Spined Leather +2 Resists +4 Hits +4 Strength
Valorite/Horned Leather +4 Resists +6 Hits +6 Strength
Obsidian/Barbed Leather +4 Resists +8 Hits +8 Strength
Mithril/Steel/Bloodrock/Ithilmar +6 Resists +10 Hits +10 Strength

NOTE: Masterwork Shields are also granted the Spell Channeling ability

Masterwork Bonuses (Weapons)

Material Type Swing Speed Increase (SSI%) Dexterity Bonus
Iron/Tin/Oak/Pine +2 SSI +2 Dexterity
Copper/Bronze/Redwood/White Pine +4 SSI +4 Dexterity
Valorite/Ashwood/Silver Birch +6 SSI +6 Dexterity
Obsidian/Yew +8 SSI +8 Dexterity
Mithril/Steel/Bloodrock/Ithilmar/Black Oak +10 SSI +10 Dexterity

NOTE: Materials have scaling additional damage percentages, and in some cases additional benefits that are added.