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The Elder King, or Queen is accepted through a ceremony that directly invokes the Valar. Not since the age of Chaos has the attempt at appointing a new ruler been rejected by the Valar.

There are seven positions within Arandor, filled through appointment by the King or Queen. They also serve as advisors to the King or Queen regarding governance within Arandor.

Captain of the Wardens: The Captain of the Wardens is responsible for leading and commanding the city's elite group of guardians and protectors, known as the Wardens. They are in charge of maintaining the city's security, defending against external threats, and ensuring the safety of the elven citizens within Arandor's borders.

Commander of the Royal Guard: The Commander of the Royal Guard, respectively known as the Kingsguard, or Queensguard, oversees the protection of the ruling elven family and their residence. They are responsible for organizing and leading the royal guard, a contingent of highly skilled warriors tasked with safeguarding the royal lineage, preserving order, and defending the royal premises, family, and property.

Adjudicator: The Adjudicator serves as the chief arbiter of justice within Arandor. They preside over the judicial system, hearing and deciding on legal disputes, ensuring fairness, and upholding the laws of the elven city. The Adjudicator plays a crucial role in maintaining order, resolving conflicts, and promoting justice and equality.

Herald of Arandor: The Herald of Arandor serves as the official spokesperson and representative of the city. They are responsible for conveying important announcements, delivering diplomatic messages, and representing Arandor in formal gatherings and negotiations with other realms. The Herald acts as a bridge between Arandor and the outside world, ensuring effective communication and promoting the city's interests.

Chronicler: The Chronicler is tasked with recording and preserving the history and lore of Arandor. They meticulously document significant events, compile historical records, and maintain the city's archives. The Chronicler's role is vital in preserving the cultural heritage of the elven civilization and passing down knowledge from one generation to the next.

High Enchanter: The High Enchanter is the foremost magical authority within Arandor. They possess profound expertise in arcane arts and are responsible for overseeing the city's magical affairs. The High Enchanter advises the ruling council on matters related to magic, safeguards ancient artifacts and mystical knowledge, and ensures the responsible use of magic within the city's boundaries.

Grand Artisan: The Grand Artisan is the pinnacle of craftsmanship and artistic expression within Arandor. They lead a guild of skilled artisans, including master craftsmen, sculptors, painters, and other creative individuals. The Grand Artisan promotes and nurtures the city's artistic culture, encourages innovation, and ensures the preservation of traditional elven craftsmanship. They also oversee the design and construction of important structures and monuments within Arandor.


The Elves have a number of Orders who have a patron Valar, except Fanyarnir. The primarily role of these orders is to fulfill certain tasks throughout Elven territory, or on behalf of the Elves. Typically, except in times of war, the Elves respect national boundaries the other nations recognize and will often attempt to cooperate with authority figures if their business takes them through one of the other territories.

Note: While participating in these orders is not required, this may add some additional information for you to use while building your character.

=The Order of the Celestial Sovereign (Fanyarnir)

This name encapsulates Fanyarnir's status as the supreme deity in the elven pantheon, emphasizing his celestial domain and his role as a creator and protector. "Celestial" highlights his connection with the sky and the heavens, while "Sovereign" reflects his majestic and guiding presence as the Father of the Valar and overseer of cosmic balance. The name conveys a sense of grandeur, wisdom, and the all-encompassing guidance he provides to the elven race.


Celestial soverign.png

The Order of the Verdant Heart (Aldarwen)

This name captures the essence of Aldarwen's connection to the living world, emphasizing her role as the heart of the forests and the nurturing force of nature. The word 'Verdant' reflects the lushness and vitality of the woodlands she protects, while 'Heart' symbolizes her central role in maintaining the harmony and balance of the natural world.


Verdant heart.png

The Order of the Illuminated Mind (Ithoril)

This name reflects Ithoril's role as a beacon of intellect and understanding. "Illuminated" suggests enlightenment and the shedding of light on the unknown, resonating with Ithoril's association with knowledge and discovery. "Mind" emphasizes the focus on intellectual growth and the pursuit of wisdom. Together, the name encapsulates Ithoril's essence as the guardian and promoter of intellectual pursuits and enlightenment among the elves.


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The Order of the Radiant Embrace (Caladria)

This name captures Caladria's essence of light and her role in healing. "Radiant" reflects her connection to light and the luminous, comforting presence she possesses. "Embrace" suggests the soothing, encompassing nature of her healing powers, which extend beyond the physical to encompass emotional and spiritual restoration. The name as a whole conveys the sense of warmth, care, and healing light that Caladria brings to those around her.


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The Order of the Valiant Shield (Dovaros)

This name encapsulates Dovaros's role as both a warrior and a protector. "Valiant" reflects his embodiment of courage and bravery, essential qualities in battle and warfare. "Shield" represents his commitment to protection and defense, particularly in upholding justice and safeguarding the innocent. The name as a whole conveys the spirit of honorable combat and the strength required to maintain peace and righteousness.


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The Order of the Mystic Veil (Seraphiel)

This name reflects Seraphiel's profound connection with the mystical and ethereal realms of dreams and foresight. "Mystic" suggests the enigmatic and supernatural nature of her domain, emphasizing her role in navigating the complex tapestry of prophecy and visions. "Veil" symbolizes the thin barrier between the known world and the elusive realm of dreams and foresight, representing her ability to traverse and interpret these hidden depths. The name captures the essence of Seraphiel's role as a guide and advisor in matters of destiny and the unseen.


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The Order of the Harmonious Muse (Solinor)

This name captures the essence of Solinor's influence in the realms of art and music. "Harmonious" reflects his mastery over music and his role in fostering harmony and balance through creative expression. "Muse" suggests inspiration and artistic influence, embodying Solinor's role as a patron and teacher of the arts among the elves. The name as a whole evokes a sense of artistic beauty, creativity, and the joyous, inspiring nature of Solinor's presence.


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The Order of the Astral Enclave (Ophilia)

This name reflects the vast and mystical nature of Ophilia's dominion. "Astral" suggests the celestial and otherworldly aspects of magic, hinting at the higher, more profound levels of arcane understanding. "Enclave" signifies a place or group dedicated to a specific purpose or knowledge, in this case, the study and mastery of magic. The name as a whole conveys a sense of a secluded, sacred space where the mysteries of magic are explored and preserved under Ophilia's guidance.


Astral enclave.png

The Order of the Eternal Sentinel (Verilion)

This name reflects Verilion's role as a vigilant guardian and keeper of the boundaries between worlds. "Eternal" emphasizes his enduring, timeless duty to protect and preserve the balance of the realms. "Sentinel" conveys his position as a watchful defender, ever alert to the dangers of delving too deep into forbidden knowledge or disrupting the natural order. The name encapsulates Verilion's solemn commitment to safeguarding the integrity and stability of the physical world and beyond.


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