Class Summary
Rogues come in extremely varied feats and forms. From the dull-witted thug to the infamous and romanticized few who captivate the public’s eye with daring displays of agility and cunning, all the while eluding capture of the local guards. While some Rogues simply strike their target with a blackjack to the head and empty their pockets, many prefer to acquire the trust and dance around the victim’s feelings and beliefs, all in a well choreographed display of mental cunning. And when their guard is finally dropped, the Rogue makes off into the pages of history with all of their ill-gotten loot, leaving their victim slack-jawed and astounded. Rogues are known for their ability to understand and pick open practically any chest, and their famously quick fingers. As such, many of them seek fame and fortune with adventuring groups, hoping to put their skills to use on a suitably large chest of treasure.
Starting Items
20 Gold
Throwing Knives
Leather Armor
Plain shirt
Long pants
(note: All other skills default to 0.0 each)
Resist Spells - 100.0
Fencing - 100.0
Tactics - 100.0
Anatomy - 80.0
Arms Lore - 80.0
Aim - 60.0
Healing - 60.0
Swordsmanship - 100.0
Block - 60.0
Dodge - 100.0
Wrestling - 40.0
Blacksmithing - 40.0
Carpentry - 40.0
Cooking - 60.0
Fletching - 40.0
Tailoring - 40.0
Tinkering - 40.0
Remove Trap - 100.0
Snooping - 100.0
Stealing - 100.0
Stealth - 100.0
Detect Hidden - 100.0
Fishing - 100.0
Haggling - 100.0
Hiding - 100.0
Begging - 100.0
Camping - 100.0
Disable Device - 100.0
Lumberjacking - 100.0
Mining - 100.0
Musicianship - 100.0
Bonuses / Restrictions
Class Feats & Items
Leather Armor only
No spellcasting ability
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