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== Class Summary ==
== Class Summary ==
The Ranger is a hunter and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons, especially the bow and the sword, and is knowledgeable in tracking and woodcraft. Some Rangers often protect and guide lost travelers and honest peasant-folk through the wilderness both for their sake and the Forest itself. Others prefer protecting the Forest through harsher means, either by hunting down those who would destroy the essence of Gaia and her children or by keeping the creature populace in check, slaying as needed but letting nothing waste. Rangers have the ability to befriend forest animals and they are exceptionally skilled at camouflage in the wilderness. Add to that a medium ability in Spellcasting, the Ranger is a deadly adversary indeed when confronted in the wilderness...
The Ranger is a hunter and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons, especially the bow and the sword, and is knowledgeable in tracking and woodcraft. Some Rangers often protect and guide lost travelers and honest peasant-folk through the wilderness both for their sake and the Forest itself. Others prefer protecting the Forest through harsher means, either by hunting down those who would destroy the essence of nature and her children or by keeping the creature populace in check, slaying as needed but letting nothing waste. Rangers have the ability to befriend forest animals and they are exceptionally skilled at camouflage in the wilderness. Add to that a medium ability in Spellcasting, the Ranger is a deadly adversary indeed when confronted in the wilderness...
== Starting Items ==
* No Heavy armor
6d4 x 20 Gold
* Can cast defensive spells
Iron Longsword
=== <u>Stats</u> ===
The stat offset for Ranger can be viewed on the [[Level System]] page.
Quiver of Arrows
=== <u>Skills</u> ===
Leather Armor
''(note: All other skills default to 0.0 each)''
Plain shirt
===== <u>Combat</u> =====
Long pants
Aim - 100.0
Arms Lore - 100.0
Swordsmanship - 100.0
Wrestling - 100.0
== Feats ==
Tactics - 100.0
'''<u>Hunter Stalks His Prey</u>'''
Resist Spells - 100.0
Magery - 100.0
Description: Increases the damage you deal by ignoring all elemental and physical resistances of target you track. Formulae - 10% + (your level)% = X% of resistance ignored.
Anatomy - 100.0
Parrying - 80.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: Tracking 75+
Dodge- 80.0
Description: Rangers are explorers and guides of the Realm. Because of this, they have learned how to discern the lay of the land. This Feat grants the ability to learn Cartography and the use of maps. The Ranger receives 30 skill points in Cartography and a map kit. Additional materials can be purchased from scribes.
Healing - 60.0
[+30 Cartography not to exceed your skill cap]
Fencing - 60.0
Usability: It is not suggested for any character to take this feat. This feat is not required in order to use Cartography.
Macefighting - 60.0
'''<u>Animal Companion</u>'''
===== <u>Crafting</u> =====
[Active] ]Companion Prerequisites: Tracking 75+
Blacksmithing - 40.0
Description: This Feat Gives the Rangers/Druids the ability to gain an animal companion. Once this Feat is gained, the character must enter and send out the call of bonding. The animal type will be the animal that responds to the character's bonding call. As the feat skill progresses, the higher types of that animal will answer the character's call. The death of a companion carries a heavy price.
Carpentry - 40.0
Usability: This is a fair feat, and if no better seems to be available this will not be a bad choice. It calls a strong animal companion to fight for you. This animal is not completely controllable by the character, it will automatically attack what you are attacking and will not respond to any commands but 'release'(which will make it disapear). You may only summon a companion once every 20 minutes.
Cooking - 40.0
'''<u>Animal Husbandry</u>'''
Tailoring - 40.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: None
Tinkering - 40.0
Description: Gain additional stable slots as well as insights into the underlying genetic makeup of your pets.
===== <u>Other</u> =====
'''<u>Advanced Tracking</u>'''
Detect Hidden - 100.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: Tracking Skill of 100
Animal Lore - 100.0
Usage: Click on tracking arrow.
Animal Taming - 100.0
Description: Using a little magic, this feat allows the Ranger to read the biological signs of his target.  
Camping - 100.0
Usability: This skill appears to allow a Ranger to view the skills, statistics and resistances of a creature being actively tracked. Possibly similar to the animal lore skill, but usable on any creature type, possibly even humans. If you don't have any other vital feats to choose from, this can be an excellent choice for RP and OOC reasons.
Cartography - 100.0
'''<u>Big Game Hunter</u>'''
Forensic Evaluation - 100.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: None
Stealth - 100.0
Description: Deal bonus damage to your target based on their max HP (Additional damage is shown in status window but will not refresh automatically, re-open your status window while in combat with your target to see additional damage).
Snooping - 100.0
'''<u>Beast Lore</u>'''
Tracking - 100.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: Level 10+
Veterinary - 100.0
Description: Because you have spent your life in the wilderness, you have developed a natural affinity towards animals and have learned the ways of the creatures called "monsters". This Feat will grant you bonuses to the following skills: Animal Lore skill 45, Animal Taming skill 40, Herding skill 30, and Veterinary Skill 45. [+45 Animal Lore] [+40 Animal Taming] [+30 Herding] [+45 Veterinary] Not to exceed skill cap.
Lockpicking - 100.0
Usability: Because of the extremely high bonuses to skills that are difficult to train, this is one of the few skill bonus feats that is suggested for certain players to take. If you are a taming based character, it is suggested that you train your skills to the point where this feat will raise them all to 100. If you see a different feat you would rather have, this is probably the one to pass up, as skills can eventually be trained to this level, it will just take time.
Herbalism - 100.0
'''<u>Wilderness Lore</u>'''
Fishing - 100.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: Level 5+
Lumberjacking - 100.0
Description: Because you have spent your life in the wilderness, you have developed better skills and techniques with surviving in the wilderness. You know how to create a better campsite and have gained some skill in finding food. This Feat grants you bonuses to the following skills: Camping skill 30, Cooking skill 30, and Fishing skill 30. [+30 Camping] [+30 Cooking] [+30 Fishing]
Mining - 100.0
Usability: It is not suggested for any character to choose this feat.
Musicianship - 100.0
Item ID - 100.0
[Passive] Prerequisites: Level 5+
Description: You have the ability to become a skilled tracker. Because of this ability, you have learned to track your prey using skilled means. As a result, you are able to use those skills in other ways. This Feat grants you bonuses to the following skills: Forensic Evaluation skill 30, and Tracking skill 30. [+30 Forensic Evaluation] [+30 Tracking]
Usability: Despite the misleading description, it appears that this feat does nothing but give you the small skill bonuses listed. As both skills are relatively easy to train and useful for mostly RP reasons, it is not suggested for any character to take this feat.
<u>'''[[Crafting Feats]]'''</u>
Please follow the link to learn more about [[Crafting Feats]]
== Spells ==
== Spells ==
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class=""
|+ <small>Clerics Spell Book</small>
| <u>Circle</u>
| <u>Circle</u>
Line 121: Line 110:
| '''Third Circle'''
| '''Third Circle'''
| None
| [[File:teleport_icon.gif|44px | Teleport]]
| '''Forth Circle'''
| '''Fourth Circle'''
| [[File:arch_protection_icon.gif| 44px | Arch Protection]]
| [[File:arch_protection_icon.gif| 44px | Arch Protection]]
| [[File:arch_cure_icon.gif| 44px | Arch Cure]]
| [[File:arch_cure_icon.gif| 44px | Arch Cure]]
| [[File:greater_heal_icon.gif| 44px | Greater Heal]]
| [[File:greater_heal_icon.gif| 44px | Greater Heal]]
| '''Fifth Circle'''
| [[File:incognito_icon.gif|44px | Incognito]]
| '''Sixth Circle'''
| '''Sixth Circle'''
| None
| [[File:invisibility_icon.gif|44px | Invisibility]]
| '''Seventh Circle'''
| '''Seventh Circle'''
| None
| [[File:chain_lightning_icon.gif|44px | Chain Lightning]]
| '''Eight Circle'''
| '''Eight Circle'''
| None
| [[File:resurrection_icon.gif|44px | Resurrection(Pets Only)]]
* Resurrection only works on pets
== Skills ==
== Feats and Abilities ==
''(note: All other skills default to 0.0 each)''
===== <u>Feats</u> =====
* [[Jack of All Trades]]
* [[Advanced Tracking]]
* [[Rapid Fire]]
* [[Leadership]]
===== <u>Combat</u> =====
===== <u>Abilities</u> =====
* [[Bow Specialization]] (free feat)
* [[Survival Expert]] (free feat)
* Arch Protection Spell prevents a death blow at the cost of your stamina
Aim - 100.0
=== '''SUBCLASSES:''' ===
Upon reaching level 10, every class has the option to choose a subclass in the feat menu. While still retaining all of your existing skills and knowledge from your base class, selecting a subclass allows you to further specialize in a specific discipline.
Arms Lore - 100.0
== Bounty Hunter ==
None utilize the bow and arrow better than the Bounty Hunter. With the ability to lay traps and stealth through the shadows, a well-trained Bounty Hunter is an especially fearsome opponent.
Swordsmanship - 100.0
===== <u>Subclass Feats</u> =====
* [[Called Shot]]
* [[Enchanted Quiver]]
* [[Vendetta]]
Tactics - 100.0
===== <u>Subclass Abilities</u> =====
* [[Camouflage]] (free feat)
* [[Hunter's Trap]] (free feat)
* +10% Aim/Tactics/Dodge caps
* +20% Stealth cap
Resist Spells - 100.0
== Beastmaster ==
The Beastmaster is a specialized taming character. While still able to their own as a viable Archer, the Beastmaster can achieve great damage output through use of their pets.
Magery - 100.0
===== <u>Subclass Feats</u> =====
* [[Big Game Hunter]]
* [[Mend]]
* [[Barbed Shot]]
Healing - 80.0
===== <u>Subclass Abilities</u> =====
* [[Hunter Stalks His Prey]] (free feat)
* [[Animal Companion]] (free feat)
* +10% Magic Resist/Dodge caps
* +20% Animal Taming/Lore caps
* +2 Control slots
Parrying - 80.0
Dodge- 60.0
Return: ''[[Classes]]''
Anatomy - 80.0
Fencing - 60.0
Wrestling - 60.0
===== Crafting =====
Blacksmithing - 40.0
Carpentry - 40.0
Cooking - 60.0
Fletching - 40.0
Tailoring - 40.0
Tinkering - 40.0
===== <u>Other</u> =====
Detect Hidden - 100.0
Animal Lore - 100.0
Animal Taming - 100.0
Camping - 100.0
Cartography - 100.0
Fishing - 100.0
Forensic Evaluation - 100.0
Stealth - 100.0
Snooping - 100.0
Tracking - 100.0
Veterinary - 100.0
Lumberjacking - 100.0
Mining - 100.0
Musicianship - 100.0
== Bonuses / Restrictions ==
Class Feats & Items
Leather Armor only
Divine Defense spells
Cannot use Wands or Scrolls
== Races ==
'''The following races can become Ranger'''
== Alignments ==
'''Adhering to their own individual morals, the Ranger can be any of the following alignments:'''
''[[Lawful Good]]''
''[[Neutral Good]]''
''[[Chaotic Good]]''
''[[Lawful Neutral]]''
''[[True Neutral]]''
''[[Chaotic Neutral]]''
''[[Lawful Evil]]''
''[[Neutral Evil]]''
''[[Chaotic Evil]]''
Return: ''[[Classes]]''

Latest revision as of 14:47, 24 September 2024



Class Summary

The Ranger is a hunter and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons, especially the bow and the sword, and is knowledgeable in tracking and woodcraft. Some Rangers often protect and guide lost travelers and honest peasant-folk through the wilderness both for their sake and the Forest itself. Others prefer protecting the Forest through harsher means, either by hunting down those who would destroy the essence of nature and her children or by keeping the creature populace in check, slaying as needed but letting nothing waste. Rangers have the ability to befriend forest animals and they are exceptionally skilled at camouflage in the wilderness. Add to that a medium ability in Spellcasting, the Ranger is a deadly adversary indeed when confronted in the wilderness...

  • No Heavy armor
  • Can cast defensive spells


The stat offset for Ranger can be viewed on the Level System page.


(note: All other skills default to 0.0 each)


Aim - 100.0

Arms Lore - 100.0

Swordsmanship - 100.0

Wrestling - 100.0

Tactics - 100.0

Resist Spells - 100.0

Magery - 100.0

Anatomy - 100.0

Parrying - 80.0

Dodge- 80.0

Healing - 60.0

Fencing - 60.0

Macefighting - 60.0


Blacksmithing - 40.0

Carpentry - 40.0

Cooking - 40.0

Tailoring - 40.0

Tinkering - 40.0


Detect Hidden - 100.0

Animal Lore - 100.0

Animal Taming - 100.0

Camping - 100.0

Cartography - 100.0

Forensic Evaluation - 100.0

Stealth - 100.0

Snooping - 100.0

Tracking - 100.0

Veterinary - 100.0

Lockpicking - 100.0

Herbalism - 100.0

Fishing - 100.0

Lumberjacking - 100.0

Mining - 100.0

Musicianship - 100.0

Item ID - 100.0


Circle Spell
First Circle Heal
Second Circle Cure Protection
Third Circle Teleport
Fourth Circle Arch Protection Arch Cure Greater Heal
Fifth Circle Incognito
Sixth Circle Invisibility
Seventh Circle Chain Lightning
Eight Circle Resurrection(Pets Only)
  • Resurrection only works on pets

Feats and Abilities



Upon reaching level 10, every class has the option to choose a subclass in the feat menu. While still retaining all of your existing skills and knowledge from your base class, selecting a subclass allows you to further specialize in a specific discipline.

Bounty Hunter

None utilize the bow and arrow better than the Bounty Hunter. With the ability to lay traps and stealth through the shadows, a well-trained Bounty Hunter is an especially fearsome opponent.

Subclass Feats
Subclass Abilities


The Beastmaster is a specialized taming character. While still able to their own as a viable Archer, the Beastmaster can achieve great damage output through use of their pets.

Subclass Feats
Subclass Abilities

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