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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:17 pm

[Masterwork changes:]

Masterwork quality bonuses now scale with resource type.

New armor bonuses:
Iron, Tin, Regular Leather:
+2 Bonus in all resists
+2 Strength
+2 Hit Points

Copper, Bronze, Spined Leather:
+2 Bonus in all resists
+4 Strength
+4 Hit Points

Valorite, Horned Leather:
+4 Bonus in all resists
+6 Strength
+6 Hit Points

Obsidian, Barbed Leather:
+4 Bonus in all resists
+8 Strength
+8 Hit Points

Mithril, Steel, Bloodrock, Ithilmar:
+6 Bonus in all resists
+10 Strength
+10 Hit Points

Existing masterwork armor pieces will automatically have their strength/hit point bonuses adjusted accordingly.

New weapon bonuses:

Iron, Tin, Oak, Pine:
+2 Swing Speed Increase
+2 Dexterity

Copper, Bronze, Redwood, White Pine:
+4 Swing Speed Increase
+4 Dexterity

Valorite, Ashwood, Silver Birch:
+6 Swing Speed Increase
+6 Dexterity

Obsidian, Yew:
+8 Swing Speed Increase
+8 Dexterity

Mithril, Steel, Bloodrock, Ithilmar, Black Oak:
+10 Swing Speed Increase
+10 Dexterity

Existing masterwork weapons will automatically have their dexterity bonus adjusted accordingly.

[Misc updates/fixes:]
- Meteor swarm spell will now only target creatures within +-10 z level
- Meteor swarm now performs an LOS check before dealing damage to targets
- Fixed class-check on Spellbinders Drape. Restricted to: Mage, Cleric, Druid
- Fixed bug causing creatures to continue attacking through Frozen Hibernation
- Frozen Hibernation ice graphic will now last the full duration of the feat
- Hooded robe will now only attempt ID swap(to raise/lower hood) if the ID is either 9708 or 9859

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:37 pm

[Stablemaster Pet Resurrection:]
You may now resurrect a dead bonded pet at any Stablemaster for a fee of 500 gold.
- Must be within 3 tiles of the Stablemaster and your pet to receive resurrection offer
- Player is sent a confirmation gump to accept or decline the resurrection offer

[Changes to Wands:]
- Wands now display charges remaining
- Wands now consume charges on finished spell sequence rather than on cast
- Wands no longer consume a charge if cast has failed due to insufficient mana

[Changes to Gate Travel:]
- Mounts are now able to travel through a moon gate
- Gate Travel no longer castable from anywhere on the dungeon strip(whenever your X value is greater than 5120)

[Misc Updates:]
- Generous Feast is fixed and can now be crafted
- Ice Blast now consumes 7 mana per blast fired
- Added LOS check for Ice Blast during each blast(a failed LOS check will cancel the attack)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:06 pm

[Barber updates:]
- 16 New hair styles added
- 5 New beards added
- Every character now gets 1 free hair styling/coloring, and 1 free beard styling/coloring(if race is eligible)
- Styling price has been increased to 100 gold, coloring price has been increased to 50 gold
- Added 4 Elven hair hues to the hair coloring menu for Elves only

[Misc updates:]
- Mounts should no longer be pulled through teleporters with their owner
- Fixed typo in Guildmaster menu
- Fixed Palisade South Deed name
- Resurrection spell will now consume scroll/perform skillcheck when targeting a dead bonded pet
- No longer possible to withdraw granite from a granite storage box when granite remaining is < 1
- Herbalism skill has been added under the Gathering Cap for the Character Info Gump and the ]Skillcaps command
- Added LOS check for the Holy Nova feat
- Racial potions are now available in the Alchemy menu when at 80%+ skill

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:35 pm

[New Herb Tracker:]
The herb tracker is a new utility for the Herbalism skill. It can be activated by using the Herbalism skill in the skill menu or setting a macro(if the skill isn't usable you require a file update). The tracker will populate a tracking gump with a maximum of 12 herb plants within your tracking range, listing the closest first in a similar fashion as the Tracking skill.

Some features:
- Tracker range: 10 + (from.Skills[SkillName.Herbalism].Value / 4);
- A skillcheck is performed between 0-30% Herbalism skill, allowing you to gain skill more easily to 30%
- Herbs with a minimum skill that is greater than your Herbalism skill will not appear on the tracker

- Fixed the Mage Weapon prop on the Dread Branch plan
- Fixed a bad hairstyle gump ID on the Barber gump
- Lowered the unusually high strength requirement on various base helms

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:03 pm

New command: ]FindRP
Find Roleplay is a new system to aid you in finding other players in-game for the purpose of roleplaying. Using the ]FindRP command will load the gump shown below:


Any player can enable/disable Find RP at any time and it is automatically disabled on login. The "Search for Roleplayers" button opens a tracking menu, showing your fellow roleplayers who are within 1500 tiles. Closest players will be populated on the list first and their distance is also displayed after their name. Any players with Find RP enabled who are not on the surface map(an X value greater than 5120 for their map position) will not appear on the tracker.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:38 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Added directional movement to the Interior Decorator tool
- Potions used on plant bowls should now correctly subtract 1 from a stack
- Some skill names have been updated for skill bonus attributes on items(Herbalism, Dodge, Aim, Block, Prayer)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Oct 18, 2022 4:35 pm

[Update for Nation Guilds and guards:]
- Values for total resources available and current resources spent are now accurately shown on the Nation Guild menu
- Added indicator on Nation Guild menu for number of guards currently stationed
- Placement of new guards now works as intended, and they are blocked properly when capped for resources

- Added guard refresh function:
Re-calculates total guild resources from nodes and compares against the guards stationed, any that exceed the resource cap will be deleted. This occurs automatically after losing control over a node.

Note: All guard spawners have been deleted prior to this update. They will need to be re-added by their nation guild leader.

[Misc updates:]
- Herbs now have weight: 0.2 per herb
- Added Herbalism to the ]skilldrop menu

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:17 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Updated GM command ]AddDoor
- Fixed Holy Nova; will now properly target all mobiles including controled creatures
- Fixed ]Stance command for Monks
- Added ]Stance under Monk Abilities in Feat Menu
- Fixed Power Rune charge timer

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:32 pm

[Misc updates/fixes:]
- Herbalism will no longer count toward the Main Skillcap in ]CharInfo
- Fixed skillgain bug associated with Herbalism and the gathering skillcap
- Herbalism cap will now be set to correct value(100) during a Reforge/Feat Reset
- Added Focus to the ]SkillDrop menu
- Fixed server crash bug associated with Battle Stomp
- Reduced cooldown on Battle Stomp from 2 minutes to 1 minute
- Added option to drop items into locked containers; container must be within a static house region and must be locked down

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:46 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Server will now automatically load the Shard and Centred on reboot
- Shard will now automatically restart after a crash
- Added 19 new crafting plan/artifact items(currently just for testing, unavailable in-game)

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