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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:00 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Added 25/50/75% indicators to exp bar gump
- Exp bar now updates when getting exp from crafting/healing
- Fixed quality serialization issue on Cleric's Holy Shield
- Fixed self repair on shields(actually repairs now)
- Fang is now a ridable mount for Orcs

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:23 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Centered guild name heading on Guild Gump
- Fixed guild name text on Nation Guild Gump
- Centered guild name text on Resource Node Gump
- Fixed Recruit Target for guildmaster(now adds target as a candidate properly)

Updated Guard AI:
- Guards disarm will no longer cause a server crash: Brandishing may now be set to Illegal
- Guard peace timer now lasts for 30 seconds after disarming a player(this gives the disarmed player time to vacate the area before the guard begins auto attacking again)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:33 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Fixed The Quartermaster's "kit toss", should now stop when out of range/hidden/not in LOS
- Increased Shadowclan Warlock life leech amount
- Master Lockbox crafting plan should now raise lockpicking skill to 100
- Fixed object property entries for Masterwork weapons/armor
- All weapons/armor will now display quality level as a separate entry below the item name

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:10 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Nearby party members(within 20 tiles) will now gain exp for kills as long as they are within 3 levels of a player in their party who damaged the creature
- Updated feat menu buttons: Red button now indicates you do not have the feat; blue button indicates you have the feat
- Added a system message when clicking a feat you already learned
- Updated some feat descriptions
- Added info about gathering perks in the perks gump

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Jul 31, 2022 12:48 pm

[Misc updates/fixes:]
- Players with the Master Craftsman feat will now have an increased chance to create Masterwork quality items as their skill raises beyond 100%. This bonus is capped at 130% skill(you won't benefit beyond that point)
- Dire Wolf and Giant Brown Bear mounts are now rideable by Orcs
- Fixed a bug causing Fletching plans to not appear in the crafting menu
- Fixed Bill Blake/Mick O'Malley disarm bug that had caused a server crash
- Fixed Dodge skillgain issue - should no longer stall out
- Soul Summon feat now works as intended

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:35 pm

[Update to Reforge/Feat Reset Scrolls:]
- Added a lengthy system message in orange text explaining the importance of selecting skillcap-increasing feats before accepting the final confirmation which will set your skills

- The Feats Gump will now be sent instead of the Final Confirmation Gump. You must double-click the scroll a second time to see the Final Confirmation Gump, after clicking Accept your skills will be raised to their prior values(not to exceed any caps)

- Both scrolls will now record your Perk Points before a Reset/Reforge, and set them to that value after use(Perks will no longer be reset). This is to avoid potential abuse of Perks, as it isn't possible to determine how many Perks had been used to raise skills, or at which point in a skills progress the Perk had been added

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:35 pm

[New Racial Feats:]

Human Racial Feat: Oath Of Talathas
"You take the Oath of Talathas, bolstering your life force and gaining additional strength to aid you in your cause. (Increases Strength and Hit Points by 40)"

Dwarven Racial Feat: Axe Thrower
"Having spent many decades wielding axes, you have learned to effectively throw them with great accuracy. Landing an axe throw has a chance to stun and dismount enemies."
- 20 Second cooldown to throw another axe, has a 60% chance to dismount on hit, 50% chance to stun for 3 seconds on hit
- Requires an equipped axe and performs an aim check when thrown

Elven Racial Feat: Aldarwen's Blessing
- "Having been recognized as an honourable member of the Elven race, you have been blessed by the Valar. (Increases Hit/Mana/Stam regeneration rates by +3)"

[Feat Changes:]
- Leadership removed from all racial feat lists except Human
- Leadership has been added to the Ranger/Mage class feat list

[Bug fixes:]
- Added additional checks to prevent KO/Death timers from stalling out

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:18 pm

[Small update to boats:]

- Boat movement will now scan for disconnected players. Any player found to be standing on the boat while disconnected from the server will cause the boat to automatically anchor

- Increased base boat speed from 4 to 6

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:04 pm

[Update to treasure chest loot:]
(For all levels)
- All treasure chests now drop treasure maps(was previously only level 1-3)
- Increased treasure map drop rate from 20% to 30%
- Increased gold from 15 x level to 25 x level
- Removed unused necro reagents from loot list

(For level 4+)
- Added rare crafting ingredients at 15% drop rate
- Added list of 45 crafting plans at 10% drop rate
- Added new magic jewelry at 25% drop rate
- Increased drop rate on lockboxes to 12%

[Update to treasure chest guardians:]
Level 1: Lich, Skeletal Knight, Ratman, Skeletal Mage, Skeleton
Level 2: Consortium Bandit, Consortium Pyromancer, Consortium Thug, Consortium Craftsman
Level 3: Blackwatch Soldier, Blackwatch Cleric, Blackwatch Legionnaire, Blackwatch Ranger
Level 4: Consortium Dragoon, Consortium Flamesworn, Consortium Rogue, Consortium Craftsman
Level 5: Shadowclan Warlock, Shadowclan Berserker, Shadowclan Assassin, Shadowclan Brute, Blood Elemental
Level 6: Dragon, Shadowclan Warlock, Shadowclan Berserker, Shadowclan Assassin
(Level 6 spawns 1 Ancient Wyrm every time)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:11 pm

[Misc fixes/updates:]
- Bounty Hunters will now get their 120% stealth cap from Camouflage
- Lowered resistance ignore bonus for Hunter Stalks His Prey
- Removed the Sell option from NPC vendor context menus
- Increased the max skill for some carpentry items to help with training over 100%
- Potion Kegs will now accept stacks of potions properly
- Added new Skin Hue Selector for non-Human races during character creation/reforge
- Increased base dodge chance by 15%

- Added the option to train skills via NPC vendor context menus:
* Train skills up to 35% for 10gp per 1%
* Skills available to train are based on NPC type

[New rare item:]
Added new item: old encrusted object

This is an artifact quality item that can contain one of the following(double-click to reveal contents):
- 16 World Artifacts
- 2x Adamantite Bar
- Artifact Fragment
- 45 High-end crafting plans
- Rare crafting ingredients(including pre-charged power runes)

The old encrusted object will drop from Doom mobs(via their artifact reward mechanic) once they have been re-worked and added in-game

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