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Post by deepblue » Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:46 am

Skillcaps on Regisfall are divided into three groups:

Main Skillcap: This is set to 1000 for non-Human races, and 1100 for Humans

Gathering Skillcap: This is set to 105, allowing you to max one gathering skill with no penalty to your Main Skillcap. Raising your gathering skills beyond a total of 105 will begin to cut into your Main Skillcap.
Gathering skills are: Mining, Lumberjacking, Fishing, Herbalism.

Crafting Skillcap: This is set to 120, allowing you to max one crafting skill with no penalty to your Main Skillcap. Raising your crafting skills beyond a total of 120 will begin to cut into your Main Skillcap.
Crafting skills are: Blacksmithy, Tailoring, Tinkering, Carpentry, Cooking, Alchemy.

Use the ]skillcaps command in-game to check your skillcap values.
