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Re: File Updates

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 3:09 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Updated package includes the following:
- Updated gumpart.mul/gumpidx.mul for Animal Lore and Player Profile gumps
- Updated map/statics to latest save from centred
- Updated "PvM Locations" world map markers
- Date will now be shown on the Play Now page following each file update

Re: File Updates

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:17 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Updated package includes the following:
- Updated "PvM Locations" world map markers
- Updated "Quests" world map markers
- Separated low-level town questers from "world quests"
- Updated map/statics to latest save from centred
- Updated tiledata to accommodate future stackable item additions
- Razor has been updated to the most recent version

Re: File Updates

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:26 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Updated package includes new paperdoll art for clothing, armor and weapons

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 3:29 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

New Package includes the following:

- Updated Razor to the most recent version
- Updated Cliloc.enu with new context menu entries
- Added fix for invisible Frenzied Ostard bug

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:29 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Major File Update:

[Map updates:]
- Misc island updates
- Added large bazaar with numerous vendor stalls to Ameresh
- Several vendor stalls added near Darmshall docks
- Added new Azamul expansion
- Blackwatch area has been modified/decorated
- Divided Edana farmlands into multiple smaller plots
- Misc world decoration updates
- Wiped many of the old unused dungeons

[Art updates:]
- New orc face
- New accessories - glasses, jewelry, belts, and more
- New art for field plate
- Partial new art for studded leather set
- Some existing weapon and shield art updated
- New weapons and shields
- Misc gump art fixes
- Misc animation adjustments

Re: File Updates

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:18 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

[Client Update:]
- Updated to the most recent release of Classic UO
- OSI character creation will now place new characters in the world after selecting their name/appearance
- Updated packet handler info for player Max Weight value

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:25 pm
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Update includes multiple additions/changes to the map as well as some updated art graphics.

Remember to omit settings.json when updating your Regisfall files, as that stores your last login session info.

Have fun and Merry Christmas!

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:44 am
by deepblue
Regisfall.rar has been updated, available on the Play Now page.

Update includes:
- Animation and partial hue adjustments to some existing wearables
- Male versions of previously female-centric wearables added
- New clothing and jewelry added
- Counters removed from Large Patio deeded house
- New mapping items added (trees, rocks, furniture, etc)
- Updated Node markers on the World Map
- Updated some gump ID's for new in-game gumps

Remember to omit settings.json when updating your Regisfall files, as that stores your last login session info.

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:31 pm
by deepblue
The IPL and Regisfall.rar have been updated:

- Map update: includes major rework of Arandor and updated Edana crypts
- Art update: includes large list of new mapping assets for trees, plants, boulders, rocks etc

Remember to omit settings.json when manually updating your files.

Re: File Updates

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:50 pm
by deepblue
The IPL and Regisfall.rar have been updated to include:

- Latest map fixes from centred
- New effect animations for lightning/fire abilities
- Added new house multis
- Updated cliloc entries
- Updated World Map markers

Remember to omit settings.json when manually updating your files.