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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:31 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Power Lunge will no longer damage pets of party members
- Ranger Heal/Greater Heal spells are now castable on other players
- Doors will now automatically open while key is on a keyring
- Pack Horses/LLamas will no longer unbond due to low Taming skill
- Spell scrolls given during character creation are now class-based
- Added variable carpet addon to Tailoring menu under Misc

[Reworked Cleric Harm spell:]
- No longer counts as a base weapon hit(will not utilize weapon props/abilities)
- Damage now scales down as caster range increases
- Damage is now dealt as magic damage at 20% to each resistance type

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:19 pm

[Misc bug fixes:]
- Character reforge/feat reset will now save Healing skill properly
- No longer able to use character reforge/feat reset while under the effects of bless or stat potions
- KO/Death timers will now be forced to start counting down on every login
- Can no longer use the Backstab feat with anything other than a bladed/piercing/polearm type weapon
- Exp will no longer be awarded for healing a target with full hits
- Increased drop rate on old encrusted object from Doom mobs
- Items crafted from granite will now have the default(iron) resource type
- Damage dealt to Berserkers while using Furious Assault has been greatly reduced, will also now cease when at 33% hits or lower
- No longer possible to target self with the Power Lunge ability

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:27 pm

[New Friends List gump:]
- Activated by the ]friends command, the friends list allows you to add other players as your friend, giving you some information about their character, such as: online status, level, race/class selection
- The friends list also allows you to add online friends to your party from anywhere on the map

[Misc fixes/changes:]
- Now possible to unhitch mounts by double-clicking them
- Cooking will now award crafting exp
- Pounce cooldown reduced to 1 minute
- Furious Assault should now be fixed for Berserkers
- All Druids are now able to use heal/cure herbs
- All Druids are now able to use the Druid mortar and pestle
- Fighters may now take the Dragon Roar feat at any level
- Added Dodge to the ]skilldrop gump

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:10 am

[Updates to Masterwork quality:]
- Masterwork items should now have their quality properly applied
- Added a prompt to set a new name for your Masterwork item upon crafting it
- Masterwork system messages are now orange in color for better visiblity
- Added Masterwork quality to clothing items

[Change to hunger:]
- Limited the minimum stam regen reduction from hunger to 50% of full value

[New Global Exp Boost System:]
- Can be enabled/disabled by GM's in-game
- Effect is applied to all player characters
- Boost lasts for 2 days or until disabled manually
- Adds a 50% bonus to any exp awarded from kills/crafting/healing
- While active, exp system messages will inform you how much exp came from the boost
- Will inform players upon logging in if the boost is active, as well as how much time is remaining

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:42 pm

[Housing updates:]
- Houses are now restricted at 3 per character(exception for government/guild properties)
- Players are now able to set a price for their house and put it up for sale
- Gold from a sale is automatically moved from the buyers to the sellers bank
- Addons can now be placed/removed by co-owners

[Player Vendor updates:]
- Player Vendor max item count increased to 500
- Added option to move Player Vendors via the Vendor Gump
- Shop Name is now displayed under Vendor Name on mouseover

[Misc updates:]
- Grandmasters pick will now work for mining ore deposits
- Drop rate has been reduced on Message in a Bottle and Special Fishing Nets from Sea Serpents
- Kraken corpses can now be destroyed by skinning them twice
- Taxidermy Kit is now available to craft through Tinkering
- Tailor Training feat is no longer required to use regular dye tubs
- Mounts will now remain hitched until removed by a player; any player may unhitch a mount after 24 hours(only the owner may unhitch before then)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:50 pm

[Changes to bandaging unconscious players:]
- Can no longer target the mobile/health bar, must target the unconscious body
- Must remain within 2 tiles of the body to complete helping them up
- Can no longer spam bandages on the target, now limited to 1 per 10 seconds
- Skillcheck on bandaging unconscious players has been lowered from 40-120 to 40-100

[Misc updates:]
- Bacon has been added to cooking
- Honey has been added to farming
- Chickens will now drop 2 raw chicken legs when skinned
- Pig/Boar will now drop 1 slab of bacon when skinned
- Chain lightning should now work properly for all classes who have it available
- Chain lightning added to Cleric spells
- Treasure maps above Plainly Drawn will now have a smoke bomb land near the treasure guardians, with a message saying you have been ambushed
- Wooden gate east/south have been added to the Carpentry menu under Other

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Wed Sep 21, 2022 4:37 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Increased overall speed of voyages
- Voyages now pull your nearby pets(within 15 tiles) along for the journey
- Added the ]DiceGame command as an alternative diceroll method
- Bandaging should no longer give false death errors
- Placement of nation guards has been improved, can now properly place all 3 types(maths still not 100% correct however)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu Sep 22, 2022 5:33 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Added wooden door south/east to Carpentry
- Added wooden partition wall to Carpentry
- Fixed system message for Hitching Posts

These new carpentry items(as well as the previously added wooden gates) will now adopt material color/name and can be colored with furniture dyes.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:31 pm

[Misc updates:]
- Can no longer copy alloy tablets through Inscription
- Fixed spelling error when selecting gathering perks
- Gazing at another player by double-clicking them now blocks stealth while within 8 tiles(was previously 18)
- Treasure map chests now require all guardians to be killed before they may be opened
- Lowered amount of reagents given by treasure map chest
- Removed a bugged treasure chest location
- Set maxskill value of silver birch/yew/black oak to 105(was previously 100)
- Static houses with an xml tag for a particular race will now require you to be that race in order to purchase
- Chain coif strength requirement reduced to 30 from 90
- No longer possible to target boat key with Recall
- No longer possible to target quest items/crafting plans/rare ingredients with the Stealing skill
- Stackable items can no longer be crafted as Masterwork quality
- The following items are now stackable: All flawless gems, shimmering orb, razor sharp dragon claw, potent venom gland, tough beast sinew
- Majority of non-stackable base cooked foods now give random stat bonuses for 5-10 minutes
- Food with bonuses will take on +1 poison level when applied(deadly and lethal poisoned food will do bonus damage after eaten)

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Posts: 262

Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:29 am

[Herbalism & Cooking update:]
The Herbalism skill is now implemented, all herbs up to and including Steelbloom have been spawned in the world. 18 New cooking recipes have been added. With the addition of these herbs and recipes, we have also modified the alchemy scrolls for Lost Lore potions as well as the Racial potions, to include the new herbs.

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