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Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 1:57 pm
by deepblue
[Two new subclass feats for Mage:]
One new feat for each of the Mage subclasses, these are both now in-game:

[Updated magic absorb ability for mithril armor:]
- Now based on a 4% chance per piece of mithril armor(was previously a static 25% chance with 5 pieces minimum)
- Drains some mana from the wearer upon a spell absorb, amount is a fraction of the incoming spell damage
- The enchanted chainmail plan set, as well as the blackwatch barrier plan will now be counted as mithril

[Misc bug fixes/tweaks:]
- Mining fixed, now able to mine all ores successfully
- Many typos and spelling errors corrected in the feat menu
- Fixed a bug causing server crash when attempting to craft certain crafting plans
- Removed Young player status from character creation
- Lowered bomb damage, and reduced falloff multiplier(damage will not taper off as much at range)
- Added Critical Strike to Kensai feat list
- Moved Mind Body and Soul from Kensai feats to abilities
- Ki Shot now does double damage vs creatures
- If selecting Blademaster subclass after level 10, player will now gain block skillcap based on those levels

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 12:10 pm
by deepblue
[New fast-travel system: Voyages]


Voyages are ships that travel pre-determined routes to a specific destination dock. To start a voyage you must use the ship manifest item near the boat, and pay the fee associated with that voyage. Voyage fees vary depending on distance travelled.

These are the current available voyages:

Edana to Tilverton (100gp)
Edana to Arandor (150gp)
Arandor to Karagard (60gp)
Karagard to Darmshall (100gp)
Darmshall to Tilverton (180gp)
Tilverton to Edana (100gp)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 7:39 pm
by deepblue
[New Arena System:]


A new item, the Arena Stone, is now in-game(located at the arena in most main cities). This assists players in automating the dueling process, especially in the event of a tournament. Here are some main features:

- Arena stone announces a 5 second countdown upon starting the fight, at 0 seconds the stone turns green to signal it is active.

- The stone will remain active until one team is defeated(has it's player(s) KO'd), or if a team moves more than 20 tiles away from the stone. This is checked every 5 seconds.

- After the arena fight has concluded, the stone will announce the victor and revert back to it's grey color(inactive), all fighters will be healed to max hits/mana/stam and the teams will be cleared.

- Current arena modes are: 1v1, 2v2, FFA

[Changes to bulk orders:]
- Removed bulk orders from blacksmithy, they are now tailoring only for the purpose of acquiring rare cloth colors
- Small bulk order cost reduced to 100 from 1000
- Large bulk order cost reduced to 200 from 5000
- Maximum reward gold amount set to 100
- Clothing bless deed can no longer bless crafting plan items or artifacts

Re: Changelog

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 6:12 pm
by deepblue
[New Uncommon/Rare dye tubs:]
New dye tubs are now in-game, currently to include clothing dye tubs for use through Tailoring, with potential for leather dyes/armor enamels in the future. These dye tubs can be obtained through two separate in-game quests. Upon completion, you will be awarded one of the following at random:

Uncommon(5 uses):
Red Dye Tub
Green Dye Tub
Blue Dye Tub
Neutral Dye Tub

Rare(3 uses):
Striking Dye Tub
Elegant Dye Tub
Exquisite Dye Tub

[New crafting plan/rare ingredient:]
New tinkering plan: Heavy Obsidian Mallet. This is a tool which players can use to destroy artifacts in return for an artifact fragment, a new rare crafting ingredient.

- 24 Hour cooldown before destroying another artifact
- Artifact fragments can now drop in treasure map chests
- Monsters no longer have a chance to spawn when moving treasure chest items

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:19 pm
by deepblue
[Updates to Guild System:]

A rather large update to the guild system and it's various gumps, including a completely new guild gump and mini guild menu accessible from the paperdoll. Here is a short summary:

- Complete overhaul of the guild gump
- New gump for Nation Guild node/law information
- Many of the guild-related gumps/sub-gumps have been updated/polished
- Counter for number of guild members online
- Option to add candidates from any location (through new paperdoll menu)
- Players are now able to sign up as a candidate of a Nation Guild by double-clicking the guildstone, provided they are the correct race for that nation
- Players no longer need to double-click the guildstone after being accepted as a member in order to finalize their enrollment
- Every guild member can now claim a Guild Tabbard. This will be bound to them only, and will retain the color of their guildstone
- Guards will no longer react to members of their Nation Guild when violating brandishing laws
- Added extra checks to help ensure guards are in view/LOS of players before warning/attacking them

Every guild may now promote a maximum of 3 Officers which have authority to do the following:
- Accept guild candidates
- Grant guild titles to members
- Dismiss guild members
- Revoke criminal/pardon status(Nation Guilds only)
- Add criminal status to players(Nation Guilds only)

Preview of the guild paperdoll menu, accessible from the "Guild" button on the paperdoll:


Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:19 pm
by deepblue
[Misc updates:]
- New command: ]PlayerCount or ]pc. This shows the current online player count.
- Ores now easier to smelt
- Ratman mage, lich, shade, skeletal mage all now have increased chance to drop scrolls
- Removed some of the brighter/flashy colors from Armor Enamel Kits
- Camouflage ability now gives the Bounty Hunter 120 stealth cap, up from 100(which was already the base cap)
- Druidcraft club level req to create has been reduced to 10 from 15
- Crafting exp no longer scales with level, is now a set rate
- Restoration Druid now gets 80 meditation cap, was previously granted by Natures Defender
- Automatic server restart has been changed to 5am server time(was 5pm)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:31 pm
by deepblue
[Bug fixes/misc updates:]
- Restore heal timer bug has been fixed
- Corruption timer bug has been fixed
- Players can now use axes from their backpack to chop wood
- Quest items from a completed quest should be movable from bankbox now
- Added abbreviated command for ]CooldownToggle: ]CT
- Giant Spider/Drake control slots increased to 3 from 2
- Feat cooldown messages now enabled by default on login
- World save timer reduced to 10 minutes from 30 minutes(incase of more crashes during launch)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:13 pm
by deepblue
[Misc updates:]
- Reduced cost of stabling a pet from 100 to 50
- Reduced cost of nearly all ship voyages
- Mage/Druid/Cleric should now be able to use scribe's pen
- Mage/Druid/Cleric will now get an alchemy tome upon creation
- Added arcane gems/power crystals to more spellcaster loot
- Lowered drop rate on alchemy scrolls for most mobs
- Guild tabbards should be claimable again
- Lowered Jack of All Trades feat level requirement from 10 to 5
- Lowered Rapid Fire feat level requirement from 10 to 8
- All crafting plans should now be identifiable
- Blademasters can now gain Block skill from a successful sword parry
- Lowered drop rate of Glowing Branch
- Set Rootwood summon timer to 2 hours
- All classes now get 30 Item ID skill and 100 skillcap by default

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:18 pm
by deepblue
- Decreased the rate at which armor and shields take durability loss
- Crafting/Gathering will now be taken into account for skillcaps in the perk menu
- No longer possible to dye bone armor with clothing tubs
- Crafting exp now only awarded when craft skill is in rising status
- Crafting exp now only awarded to the four main crafts: blacksmithy/tinkering/tailoring/carpentry
- Added restrictions on the ]grab command: can no longer be used while shapeshifted, mounting while grabbing another player no longer possible
- Added sound effect/system messages when using the Shield Bash feat
- Increased brightness level of the nightsight spell/potion
- Removed blacksmithy/tinkering/tailoring/carpentry from the ]skilldrop gump

Re: Changelog

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:50 pm
by deepblue
[Misc updates:]
- No longer possible to gain exp from healing creatures
- Lowered healing exp amount
- Added system message when healing another players bleed with bandages
- Removed fame/karma messages when killing enemies
- Changed restore heal animation to something more visible
- Caster will now get system message when restore has run its course
- Cure spell can now cure lesser to greater poisons
- Added animation for corruption on each tick
- Caster will now get system message when corruption has run its course
- Mining an ore deposit is now a revealing action