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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:21 pm

[Changes to Anti-Muling System:]
Player crafted items will now be given a decaying attachment upon creation. This attachment will prevent other characters of the same account as the crafter from equipping or using them until the attachment expires.

Attachment timers are based on item quality as follows:
- Regular/Exceptional items - 3 days
- Crafting Plan items - 5 days
- Masterwork items - 7 days

With this change, the previous Anti-Muling system has been removed and Regisfall's rule on Muling has been discarded. Players may transfer items between their characters within the limitations of this new system.

[Misc Updates:]
- Added confirmation gump when targeting players for guild recruitment
- Fixed bug when using Feat Reset at level 1 with 0 exp
- Claiming a free feat reset is now restricted to level 5+
- Using a harvest skill is now a revealing action
- Fixed Noxious Stinger and Hellfire Repeater custom damage procs
- Tough Beast Sinew added to ingredient requirements for: Hellfire Repeater, Noxious Stinger, Ancient War Bow
- Added LOS check for revealing targets with Detect Hidden

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:21 pm

[New Item Augmentation System:]
Introducing the new Item Augmentation System. This is a means of enchanting player constructed non-plan items with additional magical properties. Currently implemented for weapons only; armor augments will come in a future update.

[Misc updates:]
- Fixed bug when targeting a player for Travel Pass ownership
- Fixed art issue in Disguise Kit gump
- Voyages will now complete after crashes and server restarts
- No longer possible to use the ]Conceal command with an active Incognito spell
- A characters "Saved Name" will now be displayed on marked weapons/armor/clothing while disguised or concealed

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:04 pm

[New Tamable Creatures:]
Ironpelt Grizzly(Grizzly Bear): Tank type, chance to absorb incoming damage
Shadow Mauler(Panther): Damage type, chance to cause bleed on hit
Deepwater Snapjaw(Alligator): Damage type, chance to stun on hit
Tundra Stalker(Wolf): Damage type, chance to reveal hidden enemies within 5 tiles

These new creatures require 90% skill to tame and take 3 control slots

[Changes to Turn Undead:]
- Now deals a set percentage of max hits based on the Priest's level
- Reduced caster freeze timer to 2 seconds from 4.5 seconds
- Any undead creatures within 5 tiles of the target will take half damage and flee for 10 seconds
- Level 15+ Priests have a chance to banish the target and instantly kill them

[Misc Updates:]
- Blood Oath will no longer reflect damage to self
- Elf custom hair hues removed from character creation(these are available at the barber shop post-creation)
- Renaming Masterworks is now done through the items Context Menu. Single click the item(while in your backpack) to access the Context Menu and select "Name"
- Forestwalking will now pull your nearby pets along for the journey
- Drake control slots increased to 4 from 3

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:42 pm

[Rework of KO/Death system:]
- System now utilizes xml attachments; KO timer will persist through server reboots/crashes
- Relogging will no longer reset the KO process
- If death occurs it will now be immediate; KO gump will not be sent and the KO timer will not start
- KO's suffered from red-named creatures will now increase death chance by 30%(equivalent of having 15 KO's)

[New Travelling Merchant NPC:]
- Merchant travels along the roads of the main continent selling various wares and rare items
- Has 7 possible sell lists, one is set at random when spawned; Merchant will re-spawn every 3 hours
- Players may buy up to 3 items(a stack of material counts as 1 item) every 3 hours

The following items are currently available across the 7 sell lists:

Adamantite Bar, Valorite, Obsidian, Mithril, Steel, Bloodrock, Ithilmar, Pine, Redwood, White Pine, Ashwood, Silver Birch, Yew, Black Oak, Tundra Moss, Bloodroot, Kingsfoil, Fadepetal, Eldarthorn, Steelbloom, Ancient Lotus, Power Rune, Arcane Essence, Shimmering Orb, Thick Dragon Scale, Razor Sharp Dragon Claw, Tough Beast Sinew, Potent Venom Gland, Charged Power Rune, Artifact Fragment, 4 Flawless Gems, Strengthening Compound, Tobacco Pipe, Philosopher's Gem, Mithril Weave, Heavy Obsidian Mallet, Braided Adamantite Thread, Engraving Tool, Adamantite Gears, Horse Barding, Small Ship Deed, Tobacco, Plant Seeds, Variable Carpet Addon Deed
(More to be added in a future update)

[Misc Updates:]
- Armor/weapons/clothing/jewels will now have their properties hidden while equipped on a player
- Makers mark can now be toggled off for crafting plan items
- Context menu option added to remove makers mark on armor/weapons/clothing
- Druidcraft system may now be partially utilized by Druids without Nature's Enchantment for the purpose of making reagent bags and the Druid mortar & pestle
- Mortar & pestle ingredient for the Druid mortar & pestle has been changed to 4 copper ingots
- Select quest items will no longer be visible(while on a corpse) to players who have completed that item's quest
- Re-worked player/corpse extraction when killed/KO'd in a boss area of the Burning Depths

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon May 01, 2023 11:11 pm

[New Tinkering Jewelry:]
- Added option for "Magical Jewelry" in the Tinkering menu, see the Wiki Page for additional information.

[Updated Travelling Merchant:]
- Should no longer restock during his 3 hour spawn
- Will now stop for 20 seconds when a player opens the buy menu
- Added new decoration items to the various sell lists
- Updated price on multiple items

[Misc Updates:]
- Adding items to an empty bookcase will now change the ItemID to one of three random full bookcases; emptying the bookcase and opening it will revert it back to an empty bookcase
- Removed max quantity adjustment on Base Vendors when an item is sold out
- Removed ore/lumber prefix on container names
- Added Dodge/Block to Tabbard of the Fallen Crusader skill list; removed Aim from skill list
- Cost for Braided Adamantite Thread on Tabbard of the Fallen Crusader reduced to 3 from 5
- Summoned Deathcharger will now adopt hue from Deathcharger's Reins(can be changed with a VT)
- No longer possible to craft Base Addon Deeds as Masterwork quality

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Mon May 08, 2023 1:44 pm

[Misc updates/fixes:]
- Added "Upgrade Bank Size" as a context menu option at the Banker NPC(requires cliloc.enu update)
- Added Silver Necklace to the Jewelry section of the Tinkering menu
- ]SmeltJewel will now loop new target cursors until cancelled
- No longer possible to craft Jewelry as Masterwork quality
- Travelling Merchant will no longer count failed purchases toward the 3 item limit
- Emotes are now separated from standard speech(will no longer get mutated when speaking a different language)
- Equipped item object properties will no longer become unhidden when KO'd
- ]CooldownToggle setting should no longer reset on login/server restarts

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun May 21, 2023 11:58 am

[Misc Updates:]
- New Zealot Ability: Divine Bastion
- Zealot Summoned Imp is no longer able to be dispelled
- Chain Lightning now has a maximum Z range of 5
- Rallying Cry will no longer reset stat bonuses from Diving Blessing
- KO Sickness will now properly reset when stat debuff expires
- Dwarven Pickaxe can now be used on Ore Deposits
- Added fix for stalled Dodge skill gain
- Fixed gump ID issues in Hair Restyling Deed gump

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun May 21, 2023 7:23 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Updated Divine Bastion description on feat gump
- Herbalism can now perform a skillcheck even if you exceed the max skill for a given plant type. This bonus skillcheck caps at 20% above the plants max skill(eg. Nettlebloom will offer skill gain up to 90% Herbalism skill)
- Engraving Tools can now be used to rename Key Rings
- Crafted Training Dummies will now default to 70% max skill
- Added the option to "Test Item Modifications" in the Vanity Ticket gump - This will apply your set modifications to the item for 10 seconds and then revert back
- Added the ]CutGem command: players with 75%+ tinkering skill can cut flawless gems into 3-4 of their base variety

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri May 26, 2023 12:03 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Attempted weapon hits from behind an enemy will be counted with -15% Defense Chance Increase
- Fixed bug causing Called Shot to automatically toggle off when used
- Deathknights may no longer utilize Dodge with a 2 handed weapon
- Increased base chance for Deathknight to parry attacks with 2 handed weapons by 5%
- Feast duration increased to 90 minutes
- Cooking Recipe duration increased to 30-40 minutes

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun May 28, 2023 4:32 pm

[Added new potions: Flasks]
The recipes for new potions, known as "Flasks", can now be found in the world. These are rare/difficult to craft potions that offer a passive effect for a period of 2 hours. Read more about the new Flasks on the Wiki

(Some additional sources of Ancient Lotus and Firebloom will be added to the world following this update)

[Change to Human stat offset:]
Humans now receive 2 bonus stat points of their choosing for each level. The stat selection gump will be sent on level-up, or on login if you have unspent stat points remaining. These bonus stats will reset when using a Feat Reset or Character Reforge.

- Increased mana regeneration rate while actively meditating, effect increases with player level
- No longer possible to summon a horse with the Summon Creature spell while in a cave/dungeon
- No longer possible to use ]CallMount while in a cave/dungeon
- Fixed gump ID issue in Hair Stylist gump

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