Guild Application - The Red Brotherhood

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Posts: 16

Guild Application - The Red Brotherhood

Post by drowking » Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:44 pm


Full Guild Name: The Red Brotherhood

Alignment: True Neutral

Symbol: The double ouroboros.

Guild Abbreviation: [RED]

Guildmaster: Magnus Empyrean

Founding Members:
- Magnus Empyrean
- Arthur Lermont
- Emrys Dryw
- Avriality

Guild Color: 1989

Guildhouse Location: I would rather not say publicly :P (but I can show when/if we're contacted by staff)


"We are a mercenary band who does business with both sides of the coin. We are willing to do good, but we have no qualms with getting our hands dirty. Bounty hunting is our business, be it material or living. We also take great interest in the events of the world; no matter how big or small, we want to be present in some capacity. We gather and amass information, and we share with those worthy or those who pay. We gather and hoard riches and treasures, and we share with those in need and we're the ones who need the most."

[[ Essentially, we're a guild for people who want to be part of a group and cooperate together, without ties to a specific nation or religion. Being true neutral, we play on all sides of the spectrum, offering a place for the less morally inclined to find RP venues and co-op. We want to get involved in the quests of the world as well, either because we were hired by a nation or group or because we took personal interest in them. Our activities will include: plenty of roleplay, hunting, t-hunting, guild members only events and public events. ]]

Last edited by drowking on Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 11

Re: Guild Application - The Red Brotherhood

Post by Rafe » Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:51 am

Submit a support ticket over Discord and staff will help you with the guild set up
