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Character Profile: Sabben Seastone

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:17 am
by KBC
Sabben Seastone of Saerin's Folk


“Odysseus, on his journey home to Ithaca, was visited by a ghost. The ghost tells him that once he reaches his home, once he slays all his enemies and sets his house in order, he must do one last thing before he can rest.
The ghost tells him to pick up an oar and walk inland, and keep walking until somebody mistakes that oar for a shovel, for that would be the place that no man had ever been troubled by the sea. And that’s where he’d find peace.
In the end, that’s all I want.”
Captain Flint


Age: 165 cycles
Height: 4’ 11”
Weight: 12 Stones
Race: Hill Dwarf
Hometown: Karagard
Occupation: Sailor
Theme songs:


Character Description:

The Dwarf before you stands nearly five feet tall with a stout, but athletic physique. He has long earthen brown windswept locks that’s tied back by a tattered piece of leather and a meticulously well-groomed earthen brown beard outlining his strong chiseled jawline. He looks upon you curiously with bright blue eyes resembling finely cut sapphires from a rugged, but handsome face. He typically greets everyone with a warm smile.





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