Dwarven Language

The Dwarven Nation of Karagard.
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Dwarven Language

Post by deepblue » Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:11 pm

Some common Dwarven words and phrases to help improve your roleplay/encounters with Dwarves:

Ale: goraz

Dwarf / Dwarves / Dwarven(Property):
Khuzud / Khazad / Khazadul(Khazud)

Elf / Elves / Elven:
Khulum / Khalam / Khalamdul

Human / Humans / Human's:
Burm / Buram / Buramdul

Gordul: gods forfend, or gods, look at this!
Findar: good luck, good fortune, favorable chances
Baruk khazad ai-menu: The axes of the dwarves are upon you!
Kuldars ar noror: Slay our enemies warriors(axe wielders)!
Alagh! Barak! Samman!: Valor! Strength! My shield brothers!
Findar: Good luck (good fortune, favorable chances)
Findar samman!: Good fortune brother!
Noror!!: Enemies!!
Samman!: Brother!
Halaur faern!: Gifted home!!

Greetings and farewells:
Greetings: Vemu
Good day: Gamut manun
Good travels: Gamut meliku
Farewell: Rasup gamut
Goodnight: Gamut nanun
Well met: Gamut sanu yenet
May a good death be upon you: Tan gamut warg ai-menu
May your forge burn bright: Tan menu selek lanun naman
Rest well: Hurun ganat
Until later: Tak yemu
Until next we meet: Tak natu yenet
Until then: Tak xemu
