Updated Ranks and Laws of Mercadia

The Human Nation of Mercadia.
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Updated Ranks and Laws of Mercadia

Post by Talom » Tue May 30, 2023 1:13 am

(Anyone is able to live and work in Mercadia; these are just roles and ranks of official capacity for the Nation and anyone who wants to be involved in that. This means anyone who wants to be involved in some way shape or form with the Government of Mercadia needs to be on the stone in one of these roles.

However if that is not something you want to do you are still welcome to live and be involved in the city and its events all are welcome as long as the RP fits.)

Small posters are found under each Resistance Poster, and larger ones spread through out the city as well...

Updated Roles and Ranks of Mercadia

Governor - Leader of Mercadia

Leadership Roles and Ranks in the Nation of Mercadia

Commander - Military Counsel and Leadership Role of the Mercadian Military

Arch-Magus - Arcane Counsel and Leadership Role of the Academy of Arcane

Arch-Bishop and or First Knight - Divine Counsel and Leadership Role of the Mercadian Church

Quartermaster - Trade Counsel and Leadership Role of the Merchants Guild of Mercadia

Secondary Roles and Ranks in the Nation of Mercadia

Soldier - Higher Ranked Member of the Mercadian Military

Magus - Higher Ranked Member of the Academy of Arcane in Mercadia

Bishop and or Knight - Higher Ranked Member of the Church of Mercadia

Artificer - Higher Ranked Member of the Merchants Guild of Mercadia

Introductory Roles and Ranks in the Nation of Mercadia

Guard - Introductory Rank of the Mercadian Military

Arcanist - Introductory Rank of the Academy of Arcane in Mercadia

Acolyte and or Squire - Introductory Rank of the Church of Mercadia

Merchant - Introductory Rank of the Merchants Guild of Mercadia

Laws of Mercadia

Anyone found guilty by Mercadian Trial for the following may be required to gather resources to pay off their fine: Theft, Assault, Disturbing the Peace and the Selling of Shoddy Goods.

Anyone found guilty by Mercadian Trial for the following may be imprisoned for a length of time decided by whoever holds trial: Inciting a Riot, Piracy, Destruction of Property, Robbery and Sedition

Anyone found guilty by Mercadian Trial for the following may be subject to banishment or in greater offenses put to death: Murder, Demon Worship, Treason, Impersonating a Official of the Nation, Counterfeiting and Bribery.

Religion in Mercadia

Religious practice and worship is open to all so long as it does not contradict or infringe upon Mercadian law

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