The Most Venerated Wyrd Cabal and Antiquary

For those guilds of sufficient size and autonomy to be considered entities unto themselves.
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Posts: 19

The Most Venerated Wyrd Cabal and Antiquary

Post by Wyrd » Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:46 am

Guild Full Name

The Most Venerated Wyrd Cabal and Antiquary (or simply, Wyrd Cabal)


The Wyrd Cabal is a group of mystiques dedicated to the collection and cataloging of ancient artifacts, the accumulation of power for self-growth and the pursuit of life eternal. Moreover, the cabal is centered around the enigmatic deity known as The Stranger, the patron of the guild.

The Stranger

The Stranger is an eldritch entity, mostly unknown to all. It exists outside of the planes and beyond the reach of the gods, but also inhabits the deepest and darkest corners of the humanoid mind. Its origin is lost to time immemorial. The Stranger is so alien and unfathomable that a mere glimpse of Its majestic and dreadful aspect could drive a mortal insane. In fact, those mentally unhinged seem more prone to receive Its visions and revelations. The Stranger visits Its followers in dreams or in hallucinations, and only communicates in riddles. It is said those touched by The Stranger are forever transformed and are gifted their true name.

The Stranger is also known as: The All-Seeing Eye, The Guardian of Secrets, The Keeper of Prophecy, The King That Waits, The Lord of The Dark Stars and The Whispered One. And Its domains are: Arcane Magic, Secrets, Knowledge and Madness.


The Wyrd Cabal is said to be as old as humanity. According to its own records, just as tribal leader Merinthal received a divine message from Talathas to unite the tribes of the early man, another human received a similar vision from The Stranger, imparting onto him the secrets of the arcane and the truths of the cosmos. This primeval man, known only as Prophet Wyrd, founded the Cabal in secret with other Touched and brought its designs to the Mainland in the ships of the first men, when they left the continent of Kelt behind. The group operated in secrecy for many centuries until recently, when a sudden change in direction led the guild to act more openly.


Zoma brought a new sect of the Wyrd Cabal from Kelt to the Mainland. The original group caused a lot of controversy among the nations, for being composed of elves and an orc. After a turbulent period after their arrival, the Cabal went silent, distancing itself from the world on the island of Kamella. There, it offered protection and knowledge to the tribes, in exchange of their discrecy. On the sands of Kamella, the group amassed resources and quietly grew in power, preparing for a great project to come.

Now, the Cabal turns its gaze to Tilverton. And with the construction of Fort Risencrantz near the harbor city, a new chapter begins for the Wyrd.

Tennets of The Wyrd

1) Pursue power with all thy might. Endeavor ever for growth and greatness.

2) Seek knowledge to unveil the secrets of the cosmos.

3) Shatter the chains of morality, for they do but hold thee back.

4) Lay waste to thine enemies. Mercy is for the weak of heart.

5) Find unity with thy brethren in darkness. We are stronger as one.

6) Guard our legacy at all costs, for it shall outlive most of us.

7) Reject the constraints imposed by the gods. Seek immortality.

8) Live thy life fully and delectably. Pay no heed to the ignorant eye.

9) Forge thy will with iron and fire. Bend to naught.

10) Behold the mystery of The Stranger with marvel and reverence.


The All-Seeing Eye of The Stranger.


Our sigil is an stylized W: [Ш]

Hierarchy & Titles

Currently, there are two sub-groups within the Cabal and they each have their own hierarchy: The Temple of The Stranger and the Dragonrider Militia.

The ranks in the Temple of the Stranger are, in hierarchy order: High Priest/ess, Herald, Dreamer, Sleeper. Currently, the High Priestess is Gustha.

The ranks in the Dragonrider Militia are, in hierarchy order: Commander or Wyrm of the Riders, Brigadier or Dragon of the Riders, Lieutenant or Drake of the Riders, Soldier or Wyvern of the Riders. The Commander role is currently vacant.

As we advance as a guild, more sub-groups will be developed.

To Join

Anyone who wishes to join the Cabal should seek us in-game (there will be no joining via discord, no exceptions). Finding, running into or discovering about us is part of the roleplay we want to promote. There are no pre-requisites to join, any race and class are welcome among us. However, members are expected to have at least 1 gathering skill; we all contribute for the success of the whole. Any member can invite people in, as long as the candidate shows promise. Candidates will be given a task to prove themselves by the person who invited them. These tasks can be to gather a specific resource or defeat a certain foe (pve). Once the task is completed, the candidate becomes a full member by attending the next guild meeting.

Base & Storage

Our headquarters - Fort Risencrantz - is located in Tilverton. Members are encouraged to seek residence near the Fort or in the city. In the Fort, for guild members only, we have a shared storage. It is collective and intended as a place for members to drop resources and pick-up items crafted by our quartermaster. Members should use their specific channels in our discord to make their item wish-list; the quartermaster will provide for all.
OOC Information

General: The Wyrd Cabal is a guild for anyone who seeks a darker type of roleplay. As a faction, we are highly focused on the development of our members, both mechanicaly and rply. As far as themes go, we are a power-hungry group of occultists, a mix between cult and antiquary. Roleplay-wise, we want to inspire a sense of dread, mystery and awe with our presence in the world.

PVE: We engage with a lot of the Player-Versus-Environment content, such as hunts and treasure hunting. We view the evils of this world as competitors and, as such, we seek to bring them down to take their power for us. With this mentality, we are not alienated from world quests against notable NPC threats, such as the Cult of Azamul.

PVP: We engage in Player-Versus-Players conflict with a mind for continuous rivalry, with enough maneuverability for us to work together from time to time against common threats. We don't really seek to end animosities by eliminating rivals; on the contrary, we want to establish an environment where we can have good ol' pvp fun with our enemies, via skirmishes, political intrigue, node contesting, etc.

Lore: While our lore is entwined with the canon lore of the shard, most of it was created by us. The Stranger doesn't really exist as a deity, nor there was a prophet named Wyrd. Despite that, we believe in the potential of our story and it is our hope that, through our collective roleplay and group effort, these concepts become popular and perhaps considered as additions in the future.

Members: Players are allowed to have more than one character in the guild. But guild resources will prioritize the most active character. The current guildmaster is Zomactelonyvarix (or Zoma).
Last edited by Wyrd on Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:33 am, edited 4 times in total.

Posts: 19

Re: The Most Venerated Wyrd Cabal and Antiquary

Post by Wyrd » Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:53 am

Info updated to reflect recent changes.

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