New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

Post by Zero » Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:55 pm

The moon illuminated the clear nights sky and cast its reflection onto black water that was unusually calm for the time of year. At Edana’s East dock, A man stood tapping his foot impatiently at the end of the long wharf as he glanced at his timepiece.

“We ain’t waitin’ much longer. Someone will notice us gone. With everything’s been goin’ on we’ll have the whole damn town lookin’ for us.” The man said quietly to nobody in particular before he caught a glimpse of the moonlit faces of his travelling companions in his periphery. He glanced back briefly and pursed his lips as he looked over the passengers packed into the tiny row boats.
As the timepiece declared the day anew, the man climbed down the dock ladder into the row boat and made his way to the front, stepping over bodies and belonging. As he stood at the bow he glanced back towards Edana one last time before giving a single nod to the rowers who were clad in all black garb. The rowers returned the nod and dipped their oars into the midnight mirror of the ocean. Their work was executed quietly until they were satisfied that no one would hear the gentle clap of the oars against the dark water, then they picked up the rhythmic pace. Not a single word was muttered aboard the rowboats. At the bow of the rowboat the man pointed towards a ship that was moored several leagues off shore.

“A man’s voice can travel three league or more over calm water.. Remember that, if we want to get out of here unnoticed.” One of the rowers recalled as he pulled hard against the long yew oar as it pushed against the water.

After a time, the rowboats reached their mark. As the new crew and passengers stood aboard the deck of the ship they glanced out at the moonlit horizon. A dozen or more sails unfurled and swelled with the cool breeze that danced across the water, all ships set course in the same direction.


Four figures stood shoulder to shoulder at the docks: a Human, an Orc, an Elf, and an Dwarf. Behind them stood a row of heavily equipped soldiers. Braziers illuminated the rock walls of the islands valley. People of all races stood against the railings of the buildings and nearby gangways.

As the final ship arrived at the dock and tied up the four stepped forward to address the new arrivals.

“For the first time in centuries, the people of Regisfall have united as one, driven from our homes because of the indolence of our so-called leaders.” The Human delegate announced.
“I ask you Brothers and Sisters.. Where was the new King Narindun when Azamul’s cult was abducting our neighbours in the dark of the night? Or when we learned the Shadowclan Orcs were planning attacks on our homes? Where was he? Or the Elf Queen Ninvere? Or the Orc Warchief Grull Ash-Eye? Or the most recent claimant of the throne of Karagard?”

“Hiding.. Hiding behind there walls. Cowering behind the safety that we had provided them. I say no more.” The Dwarven delegate proclaimed.

“You have all made great sacrifices coming here. Friends, family, loved ones, all left behind. Make no mistake, this decision was forced on you because of inaction and the reactive nature of your elected protectors.” The Elven delegate said calmly.

“While some innocents yet remain in our previous homes, most of those who remain to protect their leaders would claim us defectors, those people have no place here. They lack the awareness to see that they themselves and those they protect are the traitors, traitors who would sit idly by as the forces of evil that plague Regisfall grow in size and strength, yet they do nothing but quarrel and squabble over pettiness and greed while the future of their people remains in jeopardy.” The Elven delegate said as she looked between the torch lit faces of the newcomers.

“While we stand before you, we are but your voice. The Council would not ask of you, what we would not do ourselves, and have been doing. Like you, Brothers and Sisters, we have seen the endless neglect of our leaders and chose a better way.” Said the Dwarven delegate.

The Orc delegates eyes passed over the score of newcomers before his huge arm thumped his broad chest saluting them all.

“Welcome, Brothers and Sisters of the Syndicate.. Welcome to Sanctuary.”

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