The Last Will and Testament of Sir Beauford Brown

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The Last Will and Testament of Sir Beauford Brown

Post by deepblue » Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:32 pm

The Last Will and Testament of Sir Beauford Brown

I, Beauford Brown, Steward of the Nation of Mercadia, being of sound mind and not acting under duress or influence do hereby declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament.

I. Expenses and Taxes: I direct that all my debts and expenses be paid as soon as possible and reasonably convenient, and I hereby authorize my Personal Representative, Farron Fortane, to settle and discharge, any claims made against my estate.

II. Titles, Estate and Holdings: I hereby declare that Lando Narindun, ancestor of King Malik Narindun, be named as the sole beneficiary for the entirety of my land, titles and holdings, should he choose to accept it.

During a quiet evening on the outskirts of Edana, the sound of horses trotting along the main road could be heard off in the distance. An armored figure could be seen slowly approaching the city gates, supported by a small group of knights. He removed his helmet and produced a piece of parchment which was then handed to the guards manning the gate.

After being welcomed into the city, the group then headed toward the town square and posted multiple pieces of parchment:


I, Lando Narindun, rightful ruler of Edana and the Kingdom of Mercadia do hereby stake my claim to the land, titles, and holdings of Sir Beauford Brown, as well as those of my ancestors.

The fair citizens of this great nation may once again rejoice and join me in rebuilding Mercadia to its former glory.

Long live the days of peace,

Signed: Lando Narindun, King of Mercadia

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