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Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:33 am
by kendrkin
He set the small vase at the point, and put the single flower in it. A daisy. She had always loved daises.

It was quiet out here. Peaceful. He had waited till Sunset to set out, and spent most of the walk under cover of the night sky. It was at once, as he felt it should be. He was alone. There was a slight chill in the air, and the sky was clear.

She had always loved the stars. They had spent a lot of nights under them, both as children, and then later. When the whole world had seemed to go to shit so quickly. It was amazing what could become.. comfortable. Normal even.

A slight breeze moved up the coast line, and it stirred the cloak. A green cloak. Life wasn't without it's sense of humour it seemed. How many times had they argued about him taking the green? It had never seemed like the right time. Like there would be time enough someday for all that.

Then there wasn't anymore time.

His gaze drifted up, settling on the horizon, fixed north and for a long moment he just sat in the darkness, listening to the wind softly stir the grasses around him.

Then at once, it seemed as if the trance that held him was broken, and his eyes turned down, finding the small flower in the simple clay vase. He reached out, one calloused finger moving gently against the edge of the white petals, a small sad smile coming to his lips in the dark his words barely more than the breeze around him.

'Happy Birthday Jenna. I ain' fergot.'