Dungeon Treasure
Dungeon Treasure
Treasures can be found in various dungeons and hunting zones scattered throughout the world.
There are three types of treasures:
- Locked Treasure Chests
- Abandoned Item Caches
- Hidden Caches
Locked Treasure Chests
Locked treasure chests are scattered throughout certain dungeons and areas of the overworld map. These treasure containers can appear in various forms, though traditional chests are the most common. Players are encouraged to keep an eye out while exploring, as these chests often contain valuable rewards. To open them, players must use the Disable Device skill, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to their adventures.
Abandoned Item Caches
Abandoned supply caches can be found scattered across the world in various shapes and sizes. When broken open, these caches yield a small number of useful items. To access the contents, players must use the Lumberjacking skill and have a skill level of at least 100. These hidden treasures add an element of discovery for those skilled enough to find and open them.
Hidden Caches
Hidden caches are scattered throughout the overworld, and various dungeons designed to blend seamlessly with the environment and be challenging to spot. These caches may appear as different landscape elements, including bushes, rocks, fallen logs, and other natural features. While no skill is required to find or open these caches, players should be cautious, as they are often trapped. While some may be environmental tiles meant to blend into the landscape others will appear in certain dungeons and require steps to open.