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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:31 am

[Misc updates:]
- The old Mage command ]mgspb is now ]ArcaneMissiles, it has also been added to the Mage Abilities tab
- Players may now mount with a grabbed player, so long as the grabbed player has their ]guard down
- Dire wolf advanced companion will now be healed through the veterinary skill when using bandages
- Removed the Do Not Color option for ingots in blacksmithy
- Now possible to open the blacksmithy menu without an anvil/forge nearby(still checks when creating/repairing)
- Mithril weapons will now deal 50% energy damage(was previously 100% physical)
- Increased durability for Obsidian armor/weapons
- Added +15% damage to Valorite weapons
- Added emote above caster when using ]ArcaneMissiles
- Flame Surge now does double damage vs creatures
- Added self repair to mage wands
- 2 Tile melee weapons no longer require aim when using at range

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:42 pm

[Misc updates:]
- All classes should have their proper armor restrictions set now
- Added create food to mage spell list
- Fixed conjured elemental re-summon if already controlling one
- Repairing should take the correct amount of durability now( -20 if below 90 skill, -15 if above 90)
- Increased base durability on majority of craftable weapons/armor
- Increased exceptional armor durability bonus from 20% to 40%
- All non-mount followers should now go through teleporters with owner

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:22 am

- Lowered rate at which weapons take durability loss
- Beastmasters should now get +2 max control slots
- Predator now gives +2 shapeshift slots
- All classes should now have 100 Arms Lore cap
- Training weapons(the plan items) now get crafted with 200 durability
- Pounce no longer causes character to leap forward if not in stealth
- Druids should now be able to equip hatchets/pickaxes
- Minimum level for charging power runes has been reduced from 15 to 10
- Non-Human races can now use the nightsight spell/potion to receive full daylight effect
- Questers now inform you of their level requirement if you don't meet it
- Fixed Bill Blake/Mick O'Malley bug that was causing server crashes
- Woodworking Master Crafts fixed for the fletching menu
- Sea serpent corpses can now be carved a second time(if they are empty), this will destroy them

[Changes to SOS loot:]
Chests fished up through SOS now have a chance to drop the following:
- Level 2-4 treasure maps
- Flawless gems, arcane essence, power rune, shimmering orb
- Random armor set plan

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:24 pm

[Misc Updates:]
- Added new Berserker ability: Unbridled Rage
- Updated Cleric Harm: will now deal a ranged weapon hit when wielding a spell channeling weapon, will deal a spell based harm if not wielding a weapon
- Updated Cleric Greater Heal: will now factor in Magery skill for some added healing
- When summoning a Horse as a Mage, you will now summon the following based on race: Warg for Orc, Llama for Dwarf
- Added commodity deeds to Banker buy list

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Jul 01, 2022 2:54 pm

[Change to Cleric:]
Clerics now start with 90 Macing skill cap, any existing Clerics should see this change as well. This will allow Zealots to achieve a cap of 100%.

[Change to Predator Druids:]
Max damage achievable through Pounce has been lowered significantly. Chance to proc a bleed has been increased.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:44 am

[Spell updates:]
- No longer possible for Eternal Flame/Frost Armor to proc when casting on self
- The following spells now have an ignite/chill effect for mages:
* Fireball
* Explosion
* Flamestrike
* Meteor Swarm

[Misc changes:]
- Increased hitpoints of all red named bosses
- Alchemy scrolls added to more caster mob loot

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:20 pm

[New Monsters:]
- Shadowclan Brute
- Shadowclan Berserker
- Shadowclan Warlock
- Shadowclan Assassin
- The Mixologist

[New Mounts:]
- Large Dire Wolf
- Giant Brown Bear
- Bog Llama
- Stallion
- Mustang

[Misc updates:]
- Fixed fur cloak bug, now appears as a normal cloak
- Scaled leather now has a green name
- Added new mounts to shapeshift runner forms group
- Fixed server crash when mining for stone
- Players may now place their own vendors, limit 4 per house. Must be a friend, co-owner, or owner of a static house to place.

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:16 pm

[Updates for Lockpicking:]
- Ranger now gets 100 lockpicking cap by default
- Removed the ]bash command, all chests must now be lockpicked
- Added new Lockbox plans for Tinkering
- Added new Lockboxes to monster loot, SOS, and treasure hunting

- System message for feat cooldowns will now have green text
- Nimble Mining Gloves converted to Cloth Gloves(so they can be utilized by all classes)

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Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:01 pm

[New Character info gump:]

- Can be opened with the ]CharInfo command
- Green button on the top-right toggles whether the gump will load on login or not
- Info is updated whenever character kills a creature for exp, or when a KO/Death counter value changes


Some new mechanics associated with the KO/Death timers:
- A KO Count is gained whenever the character is KO'd and regains consciousness by allowing the KO timer to elapse(this can be bypassed by using the Arena Stone for duels, or having a friend help you up with bandages before the timer elapses
- A Death Count is gained any time your character is killed by a player or creature
- Creatures may now kill players at a 2% chance per KO Count. This chance is calculated when the KO Timer elapses, and can again be bypassed by having a friend help you up with bandages
- KO Counts decay after 12 hours, Death Counts decay after 24 hours
- There is currently no function implemented for Death Counts

[New command: ]Roll ]
Use the ]Roll command to perform a 1-100 dice roll which will be displayed as a system message to yourself and any party members. This can be used to help in any number of situations but especially where multiple players are hunting and would like the same item drop.
- The Rogue command ]Roll has been changed to ]CombatRoll, as reflected in the Feat Menu

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Posts: 262

Re: Changelog

Post by deepblue » Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:25 am

[New Exp Bar gump:]
- New gump shows current level progress with an experience meter
- Can be opened with the ]ExpBar command
- Button in top-right of gump toggles whether the gump will load on login or not

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