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My little champion

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:33 pm
by drowking

One, two, three...

* * *


"He has your hair, Velnya"

"And your complexion"

"He will have more than that"

"Oh, here we go again..."

"What? He is my son, of course he is a mage like me. Valar willing, he will be a wizard. Isn't that right, Eoneleth? Let me hold him, please."

"Not a chance."

"What? Why not?"

"Ciaran, I carried this child with me for nine months. I am his mother. We share a bond, one you'll never understand. No matter how wise a mage you are. You'll get your chance to hold him. But today he is all mine. My little champion."

* * *

Ten, eleven, twelve...

* * *

Six years old.

"Valar above! Eon, my boy! Where were you?!"

"In the woods, papa! Running with the hinds!"

"Do you realize how worried we were? Your mother is still out there, looking for you!"


"No buts! What do we always tell you?"


"Come on. Say it."

"Never play in Wyrmwood..."

"Correct. Besides, I have been keeping an eye on your progress and all your exercises are way overdue. You are very behind in your arcane studies. Why play with animals when you have a world of knowledge right here for you to explore?"

"I don't think I like your books very much, papa..."

"...Why not, son?"

"They're boring! Magic is boring!"

"What? Magic is not boring! It is a force capable of reshaping reality and you should respect it! It courses through your veins, as an elf and as my son. What is so special about running in the woods all day chasing the wild life?"

"The hinds are super fast!"

"And? I fail to see the purpose."

"If I surpass them, I'll be faster than the wind! The fastest!"

"Do you realize with magic you can materialize anywhere with a mere thought, son? There is nothing faster than a thought."

"I don't need to be faster than a thought, just faster than you!"

"Eoneleth, come back here! Right now!"

* * *

Thirty four, thirty five, thirty six...

* * *

Fourteen years old.

"Ciaran, please, just accept things as they are. Your son doesn't want to be a mage right now. Who knows, maybe next century. I would not worry too much about it."

"Velnya, I've seen him wielding magic. Conjuring his magical energies to improve his physical capabilities. Yet, he wastes it all brawling with beasts or punching through trees! The little devil threw another oak to the ground this morning."

"Well, we did need more wood for the fire..."

"You shouldn't encourage that behaviour, Velnya. These trees are ancient and sacred."

"I know, Ciaran, but he is just a child. Doesn't a child have the right to do foolish things? This is his only chance to make mistakes, and it will catch up to him soon. Then he will have all eternity to be the your perfect son."

"Perfection is a matter of time. It is what we are. However, that is not to say we should postpone mental and spiritual growth. The sooner, the better."

"Look, I understand, but maybe Eon doesn't want to be a wizard. Have you considered that? He learned a nice magic trick, I get it. But have you seen his face when we play duels?"

"I have..."

"Your son is a warrior, Ciaran. He is a kensai, like me. Only a fool wouldn't notice that and I know my husband is no fool."

"Easy for you to say, since the boy chose to follow in your steps."

"Oh, I don't think he chose the sword either. None of them sing when he wields them. He fights with his hands, Ciaran. Didn't you teach him to always keep them free? For your casting? Well, he found a different use for them, but he learned it through you."

"I did teach him that..."

"See? We can only do our part. But ultimately Eoneleth will decide for himself. I mean, you've seen the boy's attitude, it's not like we can change his mind that easily."

"He did not inherit that from me."

"Ha! I know!"

* * *

Sixty six, sixty seven, sixty eight...

* * *

Thirty eight years old.

"And if I move like this, I can kick them in the head, look! I have been stretching, every morning, so my feet can reach this high!"

"Very good, my little champion. One day you'll make a fine warrior. A protector of Arandor. A hero."

"A hero?"

"If you want to be. You can be anything your heart desires. With enough time and practice, there is nothing to stop you, Eon."

"My heart desires Arandor! When can we visit the city, mama? I want to see the sandstone! The canals! The towers!"

"One day, son, one day..."


"Haha! Perhaps!"


"Why so anxious, Eon? You have all the time in the world to see not only Arandor, but anything and everything and beyond. Give it a minute, yes?"

"I don't want to wait!"

"It's the Wanderlust settling in. I also felt it when I was your age, youngling. But we can't leave here and you know that. Your father and I have an important duty."

"I know, I know... Can't let the dragons pass to the north... Bla, bla bla..."

"Exactly. Meanwhile, you can entertain yourself here in the fortress, train with the other protectors, or play with their children. They're about your age, no?"

"They don't want to be my friends anymore..."

"Oh, Eon, what have you done now, son?"

"It was an accident, I swear! I didn't want to break his arm!"

* * *

A hundred and twenty two, a hundred and twenty three, a hundred and twenty four...

* * *

Seventy one years old.

"What's happening, mother? Why are they all running?"

"Eon, this is no time to talk! Grab your things and go! And don't you look back! Understand me?"

"What's all the noise? Is that a dragon?"

"Yes. Yes, it is. A whole bunch of them. This is no normal behaviour. There is rumour of a new ancient wyrm amongst them. And it would seem they have grown bold."

"I want to fight! I can fight!"

"No, not a chance. Go with the other children and the elders. They're going north, to Arandor. Here's your opportunity to see it. At long last, your heart's desire."

"Mother! I don't want to leave you!"

"I am sorry, son. Your father and I have a duty. And it is calling. We will meet again, I promise. Now go! Go, my little champion!"

* * *

Three hundred and fifty nine, three hundred and sixty, three hundred and sixty one...

* * *

Ninety nine years old.

"Time... It is so weird. It was a blink of an eye, but it feels so long ago. Sometimes I still dream with their terrible roars, their savagery, their anger. And in my dreams you're still there, both of you. She with her loyal sword in hand, he with his fire magic.

Five hundred and fourty eight, five hundred and fourty nine, five hundred and fifty...

'We will meet again', she said. Now that I think about it, maybe she knew... She knew what would happen then. One day, mother, father, I will see you again, dressed in starly-silver, waiting for me on white shores on the other side of the veil and alongside the Valar. This tombstone doesn't do justice to the duty you all carried, which eventually carried you to the grave. I did visit Arandor and I fell in love with it. It lacks but one thing: a cemetery. Naturally, in the immortal city, where death is only a distant memory, one that befalls us once in a century perhaps, what use would a cemetery have?

Seven hundred and thirteen, seven hundred and fourteen, seven hundred and fifteen...

I have been training endlessly, restlessly, until my hands become so numb I can barely move them. Father would be proud to hear I learned the importance of trees. I now fight mountains. I've grown. Why is it I still feel like a child? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you two. I'll make you proud. Somehow, if I try really hard, maybe.. just maybe.. I can become the Fist of Arandor. I'm very close, mother. I'm very close...

Nine hundred and ninety eight, nine hundred and ninety nine...

One thousand punches.

Every grain of sand was a mountain one day. This one too will break. One strike at a time. At the top I hope to find nothing but another challenge.

The hinds run, I chase after them."